Music Recommendations


New Metal Member
May 15, 2008

all you people who frequent here need to start recommending more music, god knows I haven't been lurking your forum for months for HD porn....
Looking for anything in particular?!?

And don't ever say the word Oi again. I'll scalp your mohawk!! :mad:

Andras - Iron Way

Bombastic epic pagan metal from the long running former bm outfit out of Germany. The music is all over the place tempo wise, but still coalesces together rather finely. If you dig Vintersorg's pipes, surely you shall enjoy this. Steffen Thümmel delivery reminds me of that bloke from the band Holocaust whose demo was mistaken for some unreleased Metallica tracks way back when. Good shite.
Cheers, that music is indeed good stuff.

Right? There's an entire sub-forum that goes unvisited, and this cunt has the gall to complain about lack of recommendations 3 posts in.

Well, then point me to this forum :p I will admit this 'Ultimate Metal' set of forums confuses me, I can never find this particular one unless I do some sort of chicanery in google. As I said, I've been lurking for ages and posted here because you guys have recommended some ace stuff in the past, like Raventale and Bark Psychosis.
Crap, I am blind, I just noticed the sub-forum you speak of is at the top of THIS forum. >.>
Not that fussed, metal, non-metal, anything really, I suppose I can check out those bands you have in your sig :D though I already know and like Portishead.
anybody heard the polish band non opus dei? checking out some of their stuff on lastfm and youtube, its a little reminiscent of DsO mixed with behemoth maybe? either way i've got half a stalk, does anybody know if any of theirs is worth picking up?


video's a bit low-budget/silly but whadya expect...good song
Hm, that songs pretty good, the video is just plain funny. They are a little obsessed with swastikas methinks.

The Machinations of Dementia by Blotted Science is a pretty good album.

Ron Jarzombeck on guitars,
Alex Webster? from cannibal Corpse on bass,
and that guy from Behold... The Arctopus on drums

^looks like a ton of songs are here

Almost as good as Spastic Ink >.>