Jeez . . . I need help!

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
I only occasionally stop by this forum these days. I definitely haven't stopped finding/buying new music, but I probably haven't bought as much of the stuff this board is famous for recommending.

Here's what I'm liking the past couple of months:

Funeral Mist - Maranatha
Crescent Shield - The Stars Of Never Seen
Mastodon - Crack The Skye

I'm really interested in finding more good metal bands with clean vocals (a few growls here and there are fine, but not the ol' back and forth thing). Not power metal, though. Primordial style vocals are clean in my book.

Recommend anything and everything, though.
the new amesoeurs and latest alcest are good. the latter being something your wife might enjoy, but who knows, maybe she'll think you're sensitive now and all that crap and give you a nice blow job with money shot.

a band i think deserves more attention is Mirror of Deception. great band!

Solstice and Pagan Altar