Music Video, AA style


New Metal Member
Mar 18, 2004
whats up dudes, i just got outa the shower after smokin, and i was listening to Thousand Years of Opression, and i got fucken so pumped up and then i was all "holy shit, what if AA made a music video?!"

i'm sure i'm not the first dude to have an AA music video thought cross their mind or what not. But goddamn does that sound sweet.

i've also wanted to see like an fan made AA music video, like w/ bloody ass anime's and live action bloody-ness..

sounds pretty fucken sweet.

Viking out!
I made a video clip for AA - Victorious March about 5 years ago it would be now and i made it for my art class, AA have the video and they said they were gonna put some of it up on the net but the file is fucking too big. anyway it was a killer clip hahaha. Fun making ya own vids. anime aa film clip would suck arse! they arnt asian!!!
ProtoChaos said:
whats up dudes, i just got outa the shower after smokin,
Very compelling indeed .... hope you didn't waste all yr pot under a cold shower. Unless yr vision is clouded by a thick cloud of pot smoke ... All these threads are getting more and more hmmm hmm sigh sigh .... :hypno:

Are we witnessing a migration of the whole Opeth forum to the AA board??? this is getting scary.
Beware of furious geeky OPETH fans.... mwhahahahaha!!!!!!

np: Opeth - To Rid The Desease

p.s. shit maybe I shouldnt have mentioned "N.P." this time.... ow well, who will notice....
It definately would sweet, but I dont think AA and Metal Blade have the kind of funds to make something like that. What we need is to contact Mel Gibson, and transfer all that Jesus violence from passion of the christ on to an entire army, and just have Vikings killing and razing everything in sight, while Without Fear is blasting. Christ, that would be getting chills.....
Download it using any p2p filesharing program. The Bathory video is also only a rough cut, Quorthon was ripped off and the filmed material was stolen, so all that remains is a rough cut, without the coolest scenes they shot. It's still fucking great though.