Just Thought of way for more publicity of AA


Faithful follower Of Odin
Jul 30, 2006
Belgrade, Maine
I was browsing youtube under my sn on there. Dcdgen06(my music video company just put up a new video about a week ago) and a saw some celebrity Death matches on there. i was like, sweet. i havent watched this stuff in years. so i began watchign them and i came across a marylin manson song which celebrity death match had provided the coverage for. basicly it was a concert of marilyn manson doing the song, "Astonishing Panorama Of The End Times".

Then i had the idea. of if AA could find a way to get their band to on there, (i don't know if death match still airs or not since i havent watche in years) they'd get soo many more fans and become more popular to the viking metal community.

anyone think this would work? (granted if the show doesnt air any more...then obviously it wouldnt work...but its just a theory)

heres the link to the video if you want to get an idea of what i was thinking.