musical conspiracies or videogame conspiricies

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symphonyXjapan said:

I don't know anything about DT or Rhapsody doing any music for videogames but I do know there could really be a future of prog and progmetal with game music. This I believe is because there is definately a correlation between the two types of music, and this is especially true now that game music is using a lot more guitar and orchestrations in their music over the last few years. I have a "gamer" friend who loves game music as well, like me, and he isn't really into other types of music at all. But a lot of the music he hears me listen to of the prog and power metal genre he has told me he likes, and on ocassion we can give examples of what particular games music sounds like the song I am playing. In game soundtracks, especially those of the rpg genre, the composers try to use many different instruments to give the feeling of a different or strange culture, or the mood of what a specific character is like or the situation they are in. Because of this they have to use and expirement with all kinds of diff sounds and insturments. This is the same in prog and prog metal too. I don't think either of them were influenced in general by the other, but that because they are both aiming for the same goal musically, they happen to correlate so closely together.
i said conspiricies not facts rhapsody never did a soundtrack to anything i was just playing around, sorry if you ment this to be a serious discussion.
btw:cob sounds like videogame music sometimes
For those interested, Nobuo Uematsu has a band: "The Black Mages". They play music from all the FF series hard rock style.The first album got out a couple of years ago, the second just got out last december.

Very nice hard rock.. some songs sound very prog like "Dancing mad" from FF6. The song everybody is talking from FFX is "Otherworld". I don't know who plays the original, but in the second BM's cd, a girl sings it, sounds a little strange...but nice

Anyway, get them if you're into videogames music, they're very good albums.
I remember in the very first final fantasy game on snes, there's a song at the final "dungeon" of the game that sounded pretty metal IMO.

Also, do you guys know the Lucas Art game Full Throttle??? That game had some freaking funny quotes and one of the best opening soundtrack ever. THey're planning to make a sequel I think. I'm sure to buy it.