hi everybody!
mind if i share the sandbox?
well, just thought i'd share my meager gear list to start things off. it goes something like this...
case: some beat up generic brand hard shell
picks: i have a small Zip-Lock bag of famous ones! (mostly used)
none from In Flames though.
pedals: DOD and MXR (crappy ones)
amp: one puny Crate - model CR-110
strings: D'Addario
electric guitar: it's some sort of Fender model (from the stone[d]-age 70's i think). dark blue Strat-type body with a fading finish (no visible documentation). i was lead to believe by the previous owner that it was some sort of home-made put-it-together yourself hybrid. the headstock documentation reads: "Lead II" (serial #002241) Made in U.S.A. it's a small little thing - only 21 frets - but it's quite heavy. it feels like it was made out of lead!
i've had it for about 18 years now and i still can't play it for shit. i attempt to play it. that is probably the more accurate description. :^) i might be more inclined to pick up and diddle around with an acoustic if i had one though, so maybe i should get one of those.
that's it as far as musical instruments go, unless i should include the spoons in my silverware drawer.