Musical influence


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
My hubby, brother, his friend and I went to the Motley Crue concert in March and my brother was trying to pick up this chick. They somehow wound up getting into this heavy, in-depth conversation about "young kids" today, saying how the kids of today don't care about what music influences the bands they like and that the kids don't know the roots of their music. I listened to them. It was an interesting conversation but I didn't agree. My mother loved listening to classical music and broadway showtunes. My father liked Simon & Garfunkel. It wasn't until I was a teen that I even started to like Anthrax, Metallica, etc. I have never and probably will never, listen to bands that influenced them, just to see where their influence comes from. What if I don't even like the music? Does that mean I can't like the band? Does it make me less of a fan because I don't care that Anthrax was influenced by Rush or The Who and I've never heard of Discharge? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this.

Anthrax are great but I fucking hate KISS "The hardest wanking band in the world".

I don´t like a band just because they were the childhood idols of bands I like. But Thrax did some good covers though!
to elaborate a bit more take pantera for example,they worshipped black sabbath judas priest van halen kiss and i find all those bands average,yes they were responsible for how they ended up sounding but i dont directly love those bands at all.
When I was 12 or 13 and first getting into metal, I really couldn't give two shits about any of the bands that influenced the bands that I liked. But as I got older I really got into them naturally. Led Zep, Sabbath, Priest, Beatles. And there were bands that I already liked that the bands had already quoted as favorite band's of theirs like Maiden and the Ramones. Then there were the guilty pleasures, like the Cure, Morrisey (Smiths), Temptations, De La Soul and such. They were guilty pleasures for me because when you were a headbanger when I was in school, you were only allowed to like the hard stuff to be considered cool to attract the chicks. And I dug some of that stuff because in high school I had a girlfriend that was into the old school alt rock and my brother has always been a hip hopster. I've been going to hip hop shows with him forever. We went to De La Soul together way back in high school. I'm 28 now and we just saw De La soul together this past tuesday. Pos came to my restaurant to eat.

I think it's good to recognize your favorite bands' influences. You don't have to love the same bands at all. I personally can't stand KISS. I think Motley Crue sucks balls but they did get lucky a couple of times and write a couple of good songs.

If you don't like Van Halen, you don't have blood running through your veins.
Everyone like what they like, influences is what made people pick up instruments and make a band.For myself I like the Beatles to Zeppelin to Anthrax & Slayer & stuff like that. I remeber as a Kid listening to the Monkees and loving it!!!Until my oldest brother (RIP) turned me on to stuff like Cream & Iron Butterfly.Which I still listen to today.Everyone likes what they listen to,if no one else likes it,then they don't have to listen. :p :headbang:
You like what you like. I fucking HATE the Beatles' music with a passion and they influenced just about everybody in one way or another.
everything in music comes from somewhere else. there only 12 notes and so many chords (especialy in hard rock).i as a guitarist find it interesting to hear who made other guys pick up the guitar. people who are bashing the above bands are obviously showing their age. when i picked up the guitar there was no such thing as thrash or even iron maiden ? there was kiss and van halen and black sabbath though. eddie van halen made me want to play guitar but, ace frehely made it look really fucking cool. if you're around the same age group as the bands you're really into you can pick their influences pretty easy. most musicians take what there idol's did and try and take it a few steps further but that influence will always be there, it's in their blood since day one.
my time line: Duran Duran, then early 80's Whitesnake, Y&T, Iron Maiden, then came the heavy years( 87) Anthrax, Exodus, ST, after that shit got really boring( 90/92) some funk metal Mordred, Hard Corps and Ignorance, then started to develop a taste for rap, House of Pain, Ice Cube and finally I found my true love I believe it was in 95 NoFX, Bad Religion, Sick of It All, No Use for a Name
AlexStomp said:
When I was 12 or 13 and first getting into metal, I really couldn't give two shits about any of the bands that influenced the bands that I liked. But as I got older I really got into them naturally. Led Zep, Sabbath, Priest, Beatles. And there were bands that I already liked that the bands had already quoted as favorite band's of theirs like Maiden and the Ramones. Then there were the guilty pleasures, like the Cure, Morrisey (Smiths), Temptations, De La Soul and such. They were guilty pleasures for me because when you were a headbanger when I was in school, you were only allowed to like the hard stuff to be considered cool to attract the chicks. And I dug some of that stuff because in high school I had a girlfriend that was into the old school alt rock and my brother has always been a hip hopster. I've been going to hip hop shows with him forever. We went to De La Soul together way back in high school. I'm 28 now and we just saw De La soul together this past tuesday. Pos came to my restaurant to eat.

I think it's good to recognize your favorite bands' influences. You don't have to love the same bands at all. I personally can't stand KISS. I think Motley Crue sucks balls but they did get lucky a couple of times and write a couple of good songs.

If you don't like Van Halen, you don't have blood running through your veins.

a lesson for u,aussies have beer running thru there veins as back up!
Something I learned a long time ago - and I think others on the board will back me up - is that your musical tastes change as you get older. Maybe the correct term is they "expand". Before I got into college radio, all I would listen to would be classic rock and heavy metal, but then the true world of alternative rock (and not this shit that masquerades for it on commercial radio - remember, once U2 was actually considered to be a college rock radio band) opened up a whole new world to me.

I'm in my mid-30s now, and while I still love a good dose of metal such as Anthrax, Iron Maiden, AC/DC (who were really always more of a rock band than metal) and Motorhead, I also listen to more jazz than I did - the crunchier the cheese, the better, like Miles Davis and Bill Evans.

The whole point? You like what you like - no one can say you're right or wrong about that. If you don't enjoy the bands who influenced someone you like, that's perfectly fine. You may find in time that your opinion changes. (Just don't publicly bash Yes's Tales From Topographic Oceans - I got hate mail for years because of what I wrote about that turdburger.)
I love most of the elder music which has influenced the nowadays´bands. I just can´t stand trendies. R´n´b sucks then.
First of all, thanks for the thread. It is really interesting to find out what else the Anthrax Brotherhood has been listening to. I was 13 when I started with Zeppelin, Queen, Deep Purple, AC/DC, and unknown to the most but great scottish band called Nazareth ( I hope our friends fr. Scotland are familiar with them ). Somehow I never got to like Beatles (didn't hate them though), but always got a kick out of The Stones and Who, never cared for Kiss, but liked Slade, Van Halen and Malmsteen were just boring to me, but Rainbow (especially with Dio) was an example of superb musicianship... So go figure... Now I'm 38 and I can listen to anything from Charlie Parker and Duke Ellington to Dimmu Borgir and Morbid Angel. There is always a show for me in NYC...
I like to know influnences just so I can check them out myself. I remember good hard rock\metal bands going week after 1984 and becoming hair shit and I wanted better metal and thank god punk was around to help thrash come about.

I'd rather see thrax with GBH or the Cro-Mags then Disturbed or KISS.

Dutchy when things got heavy in the 80s you should have looked at punk than :headbang:
DarbysDad said:
I like to know influnences just so I can check them out myself. I remember good hard rock\metal bands going week after 1984 and becoming hair shit and I wanted better metal and thank god punk was around to help thrash come about.

I'd rather see thrax with GBH or the Cro-Mags then Disturbed or KISS.

Dutchy when things got heavy in the 80s you should have looked at punk than :headbang:

I wish I did!!too bad I lived in Shittown, the only thing they were selling was Thrashmetal and the internet was lightyears away!
I know this is a little lame, but I actually got some Public Enemy stuff because Scott wore a shirt of theirs for a while.

Actually, I didn't mind them - probably the only rap band I will give the time of day too mind you.....