My hubby, brother, his friend and I went to the Motley Crue concert in March and my brother was trying to pick up this chick. They somehow wound up getting into this heavy, in-depth conversation about "young kids" today, saying how the kids of today don't care about what music influences the bands they like and that the kids don't know the roots of their music. I listened to them. It was an interesting conversation but I didn't agree. My mother loved listening to classical music and broadway showtunes. My father liked Simon & Garfunkel. It wasn't until I was a teen that I even started to like Anthrax, Metallica, etc. I have never and probably will never, listen to bands that influenced them, just to see where their influence comes from. What if I don't even like the music? Does that mean I can't like the band? Does it make me less of a fan because I don't care that Anthrax was influenced by Rush or The Who and I've never heard of Discharge? Just wondering what your thoughts were on this.