Musical Pet Peeve


Chick Wrangler
Sep 22, 2004
Elgin, IL - NW Chicago burb
OK so not metal related, but had to pop in and bitch a little.

It makes me SO CRAZY when people are oblivious to the origins of their favorite songs. My co-worker was telling me that she won an American Idol Kereoke contest on her vacation in Mexico singing "Cheryl Crow's The First Cut Is The Deepest" I asked if she made a different song by the same name as the one written by Cat Stevens and later performed by Rod Stewart. She completely thought that Cheryl Crow wrote it.

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Musicians need to get credit for their hard work man!
They aren't Savatage. One song was from Savatage. Members of TSO were in Savatage. So of course there's no connection. Marketing TSO as Savatage hurts TSO.

Knowing the origin of songs can be hard. So many songs were written by an unheralded songwriter who sold the song to a label who then chose which singer would sing it. Thinking it was -Sheryl- isn't bad. Just let them know, if you care, that Sheryl didn't write the song, nor originally perform it. But I wouldn't think less of somebody. Most people give two shits less about where music comes from, only that they like it when they hear it.
They aren't Savatage. One song was from Savatage. Members of TSO were in Savatage. So of course there's no connection. Marketing TSO as Savatage hurts TSO.

Knowing the origin of songs can be hard. So many songs were written by an unheralded songwriter who sold the song to a label who then chose which singer would sing it. Thinking it was -Sheryl- isn't bad. Just let them know, if you care, that Sheryl didn't write the song, nor originally perform it. But I wouldn't think less of somebody. Most people give two shits less about where music comes from, only that they like it when they hear it.
I understand what you're saying, but all SAVATAGE members were in TSO, so no matter what a connection is there. I know the marketing situation, too. The vast majority don't know SAVATAGE, but nonetheless TSO's biggest hit came from a SAVATAGE album and that can't be denied. I know TSO appeals to 100 times more of the public than SAVATAGE, but being in the know just makes me nuts that more people don't realize who the "father" of TSO really is.
They aren't Savatage. One song was from Savatage.

Mozart & Madness parallels Mad Russian's Christmas in theme if not in exact choice of music. DWD was the launching point for TSO, and I would consider it (and thus Savatage) the origin as well, even if it's not the exact same storyline.
i dont know if this would count, but

i absolutely HATE it when little kids voices are put in songs, like legend of the bone carver, by pyramaze, fucking killer cd, but the little kid voice drives me up the wall in that one song.

also i hate it when little kids are supposed to be "scary" in a suspense/horror flick, like say the little kid says something like "i just talked to daddy" but in the movie his father is dead. idk i just think kids in horror flicks and movies is just an idea thats been beaten to milky shit, and thats probably where my hate for kids voices in songs comes in, even though its not used often.

another song - the doctor is calling (not 100% sure on name), off megadeths risk album

killer tune, i just hate the kid at the beginning
When the last song of a CD is followed by 5 minutes of silence and then the hidden bonus track. Is it really necessary to have 5-6 minutes of silence before the bonus track?
It makes me SO CRAZY when people are oblivious to the origins of their favorite songs.
I know exactly what you mean. I was listening to the radio with a friend a few years back and Every Breath You Take (I'll Be Watching You) by the Police came on. She said something like "Hey, he got this song from Puff Daddy." I explained her error, but she just didn't really get it. Oh well, some folks just don't really care enough to give credit where due.
They aren't Savatage. One song was from Savatage.
Actually I believe there were multiple songs that were used or had significant parts used for TSO songs. First Snow was originally on Streets as "Strange Reality." (Well, not exactly, but close. The one just basically sounds like a rewriting of the other.)
Members of TSO were in Savatage. So of course there's no connection.
:loco: I'm sorry, but this statement sounds like a contradiction.
Marketing TSO as Savatage hurts TSO.
Please explain this to me, because if anything I would think it would just encourage new people to get interested in Savatage. People who don't care will continue not care about who the originators of their sound is, but potential new Savatage/TSO fans will continue investing in the band and its members because they will have a wider range of music to purchase.
i dont know if this would count, but

i absolutely HATE it when little kids voices are put in songs, like legend of the bone carver, by pyramaze, fucking killer cd, but the little kid voice drives me up the wall in that one song.

also i hate it when little kids are supposed to be "scary" in a suspense/horror flick, like say the little kid says something like "i just talked to daddy" but in the movie his father is dead. idk i just think kids in horror flicks and movies is just an idea thats been beaten to milky shit, and thats probably where my hate for kids voices in songs comes in, even though its not used often.

another song - the doctor is calling (not 100% sure on name), off megadeths risk album

killer tune, i just hate the kid at the beginning

I agree with you about the kids voices in songs. With the exception of Pink Floyd, just leave it alone already.

I do, however, find certain movies to use creepy kids effectively. True, most are done poorly and clearly it's an overused concept. But... I believe the concept has some relevance, mainly because I think kids are more sensitive to certain "supernatural" phenomena than are adults. Most of the time, a child's strange ramblings get brushed off as nothing, but you just never know if they're experiencing something they can't effectively explain to adults.
I can't stand awkward silences. Silence between two portions of a song is fine if done right...but, damn, sometimes it just drives me crazy. An example is "Misplaced" by Sonata Arctica. That sudden silence drives me insane. I feel like there needs to be SOMETHING there.
OH yeah! I really hate that.

Me too! Absolutely enraging at times.

My peeve is when Metal and Hard rock songs are neuttered to conform to TV commercial standards. The latest and maybe worst example of this is Twisted Sister's "We're not gonna take it." The song is sung by a bunch of teeny bopper chicks in a tampon comercial.
OK so not metal related, but had to pop in and bitch a little.

It makes me SO CRAZY when people are oblivious to the origins of their favorite songs. My co-worker was telling me that she won an American Idol Kereoke contest on her vacation in Mexico singing "Cheryl Crow's The First Cut Is The Deepest" I asked if she made a different song by the same name as the one written by Cat Stevens and later performed by Rod Stewart. She completely thought that Cheryl Crow wrote it.

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh Musicians need to get credit for their hard work man!

Ms. Crow should jump face first into a wood chipper. She stole a lot from Kevin Gilbert (RIP)....But I'm not bitter or anything.....:saint:
Ms. Crow should jump face first into a wood chipper. She stole a lot from Kevin Gilbert (RIP)....But I'm not bitter or anything.....:saint:

Hehe. "Leaving Miss Broadway" was bitter enough for twenty people!

can't see painted toenails on the foot that fits that shoe...

I hate not only the long bridge between the disc and hidden tracks, but also when there's two or three minutes of obnoxious noise at the end of a track - like "Hurt" or the end of "A Pleasant Shade of Gray."
When the last song of a CD is followed by 5 minutes of silence and then the hidden bonus track. Is it really necessary to have 5-6 minutes of silence before the bonus track?

Jumpin' on this Hate Bandwagon... They need to cut it down to under 2 mins - seriously, my iPod "fuzzes" out; drives me CRAZY...

Example - On Heed's The Call - there's literally like 10 mins between the last tune and a minute and a half of a pretty kewl mini-tune... but damn 10 mins guys??

I do LOOOOOOOOVE Heed tho... I'd LOVE to see them live...
Please explain this to me, because if anything I would think it would just encourage new people to get interested in Savatage. People who don't care will continue not care about who the originators of their sound is, but potential new Savatage/TSO fans will continue investing in the band and its members because they will have a wider range of music to purchase.

True. YardleyBates' dad bought Sirens because he likes TSO so much. Of course, that means that he'll probably never buy another Savatage CD. He did buy one though.
I know exactly what you mean. I was listening to the radio with a friend a few years back and Every Breath You Take (I'll Be Watching You) by the Police came on. She said something like "Hey, he got this song from Puff Daddy." I explained her error, but she just didn't really get it. Oh well, some folks just don't really care enough to give credit where due.

Actually I believe there were multiple songs that were used or had significant parts used for TSO songs. First Snow was originally on Streets as "Strange Reality." (Well, not exactly, but close. The one just basically sounds like a rewriting of the other.)

:loco: I'm sorry, but this statement sounds like a contradiction.

Please explain this to me, because if anything I would think it would just encourage new people to get interested in Savatage. People who don't care will continue not care about who the originators of their sound is, but potential new Savatage/TSO fans will continue investing in the band and its members because they will have a wider range of music to purchase.

Mm. People interested in Savatage probably will find it out through other means. Old people finding out that TSO is Savatage (as you and others have put it)... could hurt TSO based on the 'heavy metal? that's the devils music!'
It makes me SO CRAZY when people are oblivious to the origins of their favorite songs. My co-worker was telling me that she won an American Idol Kereoke contest on her vacation in Mexico singing "Cheryl Crow's The First Cut Is The Deepest" I asked if she made a different song by the same name as the one written by Cat Stevens and later performed by Rod Stewart. She completely thought that Cheryl Crow wrote it.

When I was in college, I went to work one day wearing an Aerosmith shirt that said "Walk This Way" on the back. A co-worker walked up behind me and said "Hey! I didn't know you liked Run-DMC!" :lol:

One of my musical pet peeves for live performances is the "fake-out ending". The band strikes the final chord, so you THINK the song is over and start applauding, but then the band noodles around for another 20 second or so. The audience eventually gets tired of clapping and finally gives the band a somewhat less enthusiastic round of applause when the song REALLY ends.