I'm still not sure what to do.. even though you're really helping me..
Maybe you can help clear some more things up..
I said I'd have an answer for them tomorrow..
They don't need the remix.. it's an option..
If they release the song as it is now, it's MY mix..
Wouldn't that be more beneficial to me than letting another guy mix it and releasing HIS mix?
They have already won the contest with MY production.. my work..
It's pretty insulting wanting another guy mix it, and that I give it all up for free..
Is my mix the best? Depends on who you ask.. I could be more happy with it if they'd given me more time than I had..
Would the other guys mix be better? Maybe.. Maybe not..
I'm pretty sure that giving them the original DI-tracks and midi-drums, wouldn't be sufficient..
They have been offered a remix, not an entire remake of the production..
And shouldn't I be paid for MY production? if that's what they need..
My production as in; amping, reverb, EQ, drumtracks(samples) etc..
Maybe it is best to just tell them to forget about it..
Then MY mix/song/production/master will be the one getting fucking 3000€ in promotion..
And I'm not rich.. got no job.. rent and other bills is way late..
I even have to pawn my fucking guitar tomorrow to be able to afford food (in Sweden you pawn something and it's not getting sold, it's kept until you go claim it again, if you don't pay the storage fee for 9 months or so, they sell it)
I'm not saying this to get any sympathy votes.. I'm just saying that with all that shit, I'm not even being greedy..
I have gotten suggestions from others to just give them the files and be happy etc..
I'm not going to do that.. this whole thing just confuses me..
I knew bands could be asshats.. and you probably have heard of/experienced worse scenarios.. one has to be paranoid in this buisiness..