Musical Tit (And no, i don't mean Alexi)

Hey if Ican do karoake with, then I'm so getting 'em...........:yell:
Anyway.....IF the whole thing is not a hoax, it's still a pretty retarded idea. :guh: What the Hell do those scientists smoke/drink/take then?
I, for one, would not get that kind of implants. 1.Wouldn't that be EXTREMELY uncomfortable -at least for the 1st year or so post-op? 2.Wouldn't it seriously mess with one's boobs? and 3.My boobs are big enough and I never thought of getting any kind of boob implants anyway...
Turbo said:
i have never been referred to as an English tit before. I have been called an English cunt several times.:loco: particularly by you scots.

We're quite fond of "you dirty english prick" also.
