Musician injuries


Like Sin Explode
May 18, 2007
Hallo I just wanna ask if any of you musicians in here have injuries like tendonitis ,Carpal tunnel syndrome etc.I myself have pain to the wrist that may extend to my elbow and shoulder.I ve been to a doctor and said that it might be a nerve problem but I ve been to a nevrologist and after an hour of examination he told me that I dont have a problem.Then another doctor told me it 's tendonitis and I just have to warm up properly and take care of and it will be ok.I just wanna know what kind of warm ups you all do,exercises and if it's difficult to live as a musician with such a problem.Any info will be appreciated.Thanks
I had my left hand hurt in a fight( we got attacked coming home from a night out). I took a month/6 weeks off and now I warm up before I play and its grand, if i don't warm up and just jump into hard stuff a few times in a row the injury kinda resurfaces
I have suffered from tendonitis in both of my wrists due to playing guitar.

In my picking hand, it was largely due to keeping my wrist too tense while playing. I used to push myself really hard with alternate picking and fast tremelo picking. I developed such pain in my wrist that I had to stop playing altogether for several weeks while I rehabilitated.
I've since developed much different playing techniques, particularly a very relaxed and loose wrist - and I don't torture myself with tremelo picking anymore. I really explored economy picking and found ways to lessen the strain to my picking hand. It's been several years now and the tendonitis has never came back in that hand. I learned that you must NOT ignore it or think it will go away without changing your approach.

In my fretting hand wrist, it has come and gone several times. I notice it early and just back off a little, and most importantly, I always do lots of stretches and warm ups before I subject myself to any sort of strenuous playing.
Sometimes I catch myself playing with my wrist in a poor position and I immediately resituate myself so I don't have to do that. I play with the guitar really high and tilt the neck upwards quite a bit. My wrist is way more important than looking cool, you should always be conscious of that.
You also asked about specific exercises and warmups....

I do a simple movement that my doctor showed me where I hold my palm vertically, touch the lowest part of my palm that I can reach comfortably with my fingertips and then slowly slide my fingers up across my palm and then uncurl them so that they are pointing straight up. This should be one continuous, flowing motion. Then I do the same movement in reverse and repeat this for maybe 30 seconds. Usually I can just feel this movement relaxing my wrist and sometimes it even directly relieves pain that I may be feeling. I do this exercise all the time, not just before playing. It may sound silly, but it helps alot.
When I was more or less rahabilitating my wrist, I used to lay my arm on a table with my wrist hanging off the edge and raise it up and down with some light weight in my hand. This one also came from my doctor.

Otherwise, I just do the typical things like straightening out my arm and stretching my palm back towards me in both directions (upwards and downwards) I also stretch my thumb back towards my forearm. I think I learned that one from a John Petrucci video. I work my fingers back and forth alot through their full range of motion and I also massage my fingers and palms quite a bit.
A friend of mine apparently would have suffered 'tennis elbow' with his picking arm if he hadn't changed the way he alternate picks.
You must warm up, play slow and pay attention to the extensions, don't play large intervals of notes when you are cold.
I have crushed like 5 knuckles and a snapped metacarpalbone in my right hand that has healed in the wrong way, all sustained from harsh martial arts training. >,<

Basically my only problem is in my little finger on the right hand that i have problems moving in certain directions sence the injury on the metacarpalbone, but luckily im not left handed, so it has no affect on my guitarplayin(Though it is a b*tch to play some stuff on keyboards.).

I also have reumatism in my family, dont know what kind though, but this far i havent noticed anything.

Oh! Just remembered, i have quite short tendents right now, sence im just 18 and does not exercise, this makes it hard to straighten my fingers and holding on to things like drumsticks, but i can make it better by flexing the fingers, like the buff i am. ;)
Metalhead28's strectching techniques are exactly what I do, plus just playing every note up and down the fretboard chromatically is a GREAT exercise to get your fingers warmed up.

I often forget to stretch until after I've played a bit, but it really really helps and makes everything easier on the hands.
Hey thanks any of you for your replies.Well,something I was thinking is if gymnastic is a bad combination with guitar playing.I mean I got my left hand problem when for six months I ve been going to a one hour Tae Kwon Do training and then have 2-3 hours of rehearsals.But I thought,due to the fact that in Tae Kwon DO we do aprox. 30 min of stretching and warm up,that there would be no problem with my guitar playing.But I was wrong.Also I think cold weather is really bad for guitar players.I want to give you this links I do them every day and I think they are the best exercises I ve found.Thanks.Keep the topic alive cause I think many many people search for this kind of things and many people suffer
When my fingers and or wrist start to hurt I find that it helps to rub emu oil (with vitamin e if you can find it) for about 5-10 mins a day. I got the idea from the fact that many arthritis sufferers use it relieve if not totally get rid of pain. Give it a shot, the results may surprise you. :Spin:

What is Emu Oil?

Emu oil is a natural pain relieving, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing oil with a PH balance very close to human skin. The product is obtained from the fat of Emu birds which originated from the lands of Australia. Originally the Australian Aborigines used emu oil for minor aches and pains, to heal wounds, and protect their skin. It's oil is world renown for its ability to deeply penetrate all five epidermis layers of the skin providing nutrients like (EFA) - essential fatty acids Omega-3 & Omega-6. This is what gives Emu Oil its moisturizing, pain relieving, & anti-inflammatory capabilities. :wave:
Suffered from damage to my left arm from playing. Left hand and forearm. Had to take several months off to recover. And I do the 'hand ballet' before I play now. Step 1 for me is heat. I DO NOT play if my hands/arm are cold. I literally WARM UP first. Then the hand and arm exercises ( palm curl as described above, repeat at least 10 times. Also hold your arm straight out horizontally in front of you, fingers extended up. Use your other hand to GENTLY pull the tops of your fingers towards you, stretching your arm. GENTLY. Repeat with both arms/hands, alternating with the same exercise except turn your arm over so the fingers are pointing down and repeat. GENTLY.
Please...don't injure yourself more, get expert advice, look into these warm up exercises. I actually remember that a guitar magazine did an article that included these and others. But it was LONG ago, I don't remember more than that. Don't ignore the signs ( PAIN lol) !!
Ron Jarzombek had some serious problems, i think he documented his tendonitis on his web site. he had to have surgery cause his fingers were stuck straight in that awkward S position. but he's still rockin like a mofo:rock: