Musicians in Germany


New Metal Member
Nov 10, 2019
Hallo! Im starting this thread because I've moved from Texas to Southern Germany and I'm looking for people to write, perform, and record some crazy new music with. By all means, please use this thread as an opportunity to network if you're a musician anywhere in Germany who wants to collaborate with other people.

I am a 35 year old vocalist/guitarist living north of Munich just outside of Ingolstadt. My experience onstage is just shy of 25 years at this point. Musical inspirations and influences include Car Bomb, Mr Bungle, Soundgarden, Igorrr, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Mastodon, Dream Theater, etc. Only 3 records have been produced throughout my time working with other musicians as we were all fuck-ups; 1 demo, a full length, and an EP. Another EP is pending with guitar tracks fully recorded and scratch drum tracks programmed.

Aside from the past, I have a decent amount of raw material to work with now and I'm trying to collaborate with other people on their material.


My guitar work tends to root itself in eastern-sounding minor scales that arrange themselves into clusters of notes that resemble strange time signatures which actually exist in the realm of 4/4. I taught myself how to play over the years and my understanding continues to expand. There is no real mission statement other than to make listenable music that is completely unpredictable.

My vocal approach is multifaceted and self-taught as well. Heavy technique influences include Phil Anselmo, Mikael Akerfeldt, Jens Kidman, Geoffrey Ficco, Maynard James Keenan, Pepper Keenan, Mike Patton and Corey Taylor. My singing voice has been influenced by Neil Fallon, Pepper Keenan, Layne Staley, Jerry Cantrell, Chris Cornell, Nils Frykdahl, Levon Helm, Kurt Cobain and Mikael Akerfeldt.

All of that said, who's out there? Questions? Interests?

Also.. Sprechen Sie Englisch?
