Musicians you admire...

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
Which artists do you tilt your glass towards and say "Bravo" ? Now this isn't merely a matter of musicianship and competency of composition, but something that hurdles it. It's respect and fondness for the way a person lives their lives. I'd say this thread is primarily influenced by the mini documentary featuring Ghaal, which showed a man in his fortress of solitude on a hillside, far away from the maddening crowd who can be so penetrating to a person's spirit. This bloke is so fulfilled in his ways that he sees no need to schtoop a harlot to subside the carnal lust that symbiotically succumbs us all. The God damn guy is a virgin for crying out loud. This revelation is even more profound when you take in to account that he could pretty much bang any pale faced groupie which bares her tits in the audience before him. Moose, this could be you! :kickass:

Another hearty ale gets poured over the bridge of Bifrost on to the fields of of Asgaard, for the band Wolves in the Throne Room. Yep, I'm a fanboy. Not only are these lads wonderous musicians, but they actually live the life in which so many other bands preach but do not practice. On a farm in Washington, harvesting their own crops, raising their own livestock, churning their own butter. And while they are not one hundred percent self reliant, that future is not too far off. A million trumpets blare for their cause!!! :kickass:
I admire what Solstafir does because it doesn't sound like ANY other music. I don't think I could ever conjure something 1/4 as good as "Masterpiece of Bitterness", it is a just an incredible album that has almost climbed into my #1 of all time spot. "The Jester Race" has had it for about five years, but the times they are a changin'
I admire:

Quorthon for his devotion to his fans.
Dan Swano for just being so awesome.
Stephan Koglek for writing such incredible songs.
All the Kyuss guys for the way they handled the music business and for rehearsing out in the desert on generator power.

I don't know who else. But there are many.
Tomas Haake (Meshuggah's drummer) - for putting so much of math in his music, doing vocals and creating cool album covers and for having gold brains.
Fredrik Thordendal (Meshuggah's guitarist) - for being so insane and genius.
Freddie Mercury - for such amazing vocals.
Johan Lahger (Arckanum) - for being such a mean bitch and for doing great-sick-psychedelic vocals.
Johan Hegg (Amon Amarth's singer) - for being such a cutie.
*shrugs* I've read multiple sources that say the guys from Rush are really nice down-to-Earth dudes. Lord Worm dropped out of Cryptopsy back in the day to focus on his career as an English teacher. Akerfeldt has a child not much older than mine. I admire this kind of stuff - normal, adult stuff. The dudes living on a commune does not interest me. Partying till dawn does not impress me. Taking paganism seriously does not impress me. Stuff of that nature. You get the idea.
*shrugs* I've read multiple sources that say the guys from Rush are really nice down-to-Earth dudes. Lord Worm dropped out of Cryptopsy back in the day to focus on his career as an English teacher. Akerfeldt has a child not much older than mine. I admire this kind of stuff - normal, adult stuff. The dudes living on a commune does not interest me. Partying till dawn does not impress me. Taking paganism seriously does not impress me. Stuff of that nature. You get the idea.
So you admire normal stuff?
Sure, it's good to be a decent person, but admirable to have work and kids?? Mostly nothing special imo.
