Mustaine on Dime


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
From Blabbermouth:

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has issued the following statement regarding the death of DAMAGEPLAN guitarist Dimebag Darrell:

"There is nothing unique or clever to this post, and what I want to say has no doubt already been said throughout the metal community, by countless others whom were more closer to Darrell than me by now.

"However, knowing he was murdered tonight, I wish to thank and remember Darrell for his amazing life and the gift that he shared with me and so many other fortunates.

"I pray for Darrell's family and friends; specifically for their healing, their peace, and their understanding of this tragedy in this time of need.

"I send my deepest heartfelt condolences to the Abbott family, to Darrell's friends, and to the fantastic PANTERA and DAMAGEPLAN fans around the world.

"We must never forget his life, and his gifts, his genius, his terrific personallity, and the legacy he left behind to remember him by.

"Darrell, I will see you in heaven and I, like so many more, love you brother.

"You will be missed."
From Nikki Sixx:

"Dime, I will never forget all the times you made us laugh. I'm so happy we got to spend the day together in London recently... we should all live our lives as full as you have.
I will miss you, as will all of us... This is a sad day."

From Ripper Owens:

"Hey, wanted to say that Dime was a great guy and amazing guitarist! He will really be missed! He made me laugh when he would see me backstage and sing out 'Ripper' in a high note with some melody he had made up! He and his brother always gave me respect. I knew how much of a fan he was of JUDAS PRIEST and Rob [Halford], so the respect meant a lot! And all the rumors about him and I working together where the best rumors I'd ever heard about me! I always wanted to work with Darrell and was always waiting for that phone call! Dimebag, we love ya bro and you will be missed!"
Lars Ulrich:

METALLICA drummer Lars Ulrich has issued the following statement regarding the death of DAMAGEPLAN/ex-PANTERA guitarist Dimebag Darrell:

"This is unbelievable. To sit here and talk about Darrell in the past tense seems so wrong, so unfair, so unjust, I don't even know what to say. My heart goes out to Vinnie, to their families, to the other band members, and to the families and friends of the other people that were killed or injured, in this fucking senseless act of selfishness and stupidity.

"In 1985 I was fortunate enough to meet both Darrell and his brother in Dallas on tour. The first thing me and my friend did as soon as that tour was over, was to head straight back to Dallas and hang out with Darrell and Vinnie for a long time, cuz they were the coolest mutherfuckers that we had met after criss-crossing the states for three months. That was the beginning of a friendship that was anchored in love, respect, fun, outrageousness, music, booze, sweat, late nights, early mornings, hangovers, headaches, pounding eardrums, sore bodies... the list goes on.

"There's a tendency in these fucked up moments to use the word 'I' a lot and focus on one's own feelings of pity and shock... so instead let it just be known that thru these eyes Darrell was incredibly warm, open, fun, nutty, forthcoming, talented, embracing, unpretentious, accommodating and he always had a very attractive innocence about him that obviously made him never threatening and always welcoming.

"Darrell and his brother were the cornerstone of musical adventures that were always groundbreaking, pushing boundaries, challenging to themselves and to their fans, respected by their peers and always true musicians' musicians, and today the rock world is worse off because of this untimely and senseless waste.

"Much love and respect and thanks for letting me be a small part of your life and I know you are already having fun and throwing it down with Bon Scott, Keith Moon, John Bonham, Jimi, Cliff B., and the rest of the musicians and troublemakers that you are hanging with so prematurely."
BYZANTINE - “I had a friend call me last night from Ohio to tell me that one of our idols had been shot to death. Dimebag Darrell, who most likely all of us looked up to and wanted to drink with, was dead. He and 4 others had been shot and killed while Damageplan were playing a concert in very nearby Columbus, OH. This guy walked straight on stage, yelled at Dime, and then shot him point blank in the head. All the while his fans had to watch in horror. Let's all take today to put on some Pantera or Damageplan and remember the coolest, most down to earth, closest thing to
a REAL rockstar that you could ever find. Long live Darrell Abbott. We love you brother.

If Stevie Ray Vaughan would have picked up a KISS album instead of blues, you would get Dimebag Darrell.”-SIXXSWINE "Let's not get carried away here."

MACHINE HEAD - “Machine Head are devastated by the horrific news. Our deepest sympathy and condolences to the Abbott family, Damageplan and former members of Pantera. Our thoughts are with you all.”

KEVIN SHIRLEY (Producer) - “JESUS CHRIST! I just saw Dimebag Darrel was shot and killed at a gig in Ohio last night - that is terrible news. I am saddened and shocked. My deepest sympathy and condolences to all his family - I just mixed a Damageplan track for the Punisher soundtrack earlier this year. Oh, that breaks my heart! SHIT! Enough of the fucking guns already! This is bad.”

ANTHRAX’ Scott Ian - "I am devastated as I'm sure we all are. All I can convey at this moment are my condolences to Rita and Vinnie and the whole family. My heart is with you. Love, Scott"

ZAKK WYLDE - "We lost Dime tonight. We have no official details, and I personally am not saying anything. I want to thank Shawn Sexton (Sierra Nevada) from for calling Chad Lee and I in Chicago and bringing it to our attention, first and foremost. Right now, I myself, and the entire Doome Crew Inc., those I've spoken to, can't even begin to try to fuckin' assemble words in sentences to tell you guys how we feel. Give us a few days to circle the wagons. Whatever comes across officially from the family will be conveyed, as always, humbly by us."

KILLSWITCH ENGAGE’s Howard Jones - "This is insane and this is beyond travesty. This is beyond anything I've ever heard. This shouldn't happen in or outside of the rock and metal community. He will be missed and mourned as a person, as a musician, and as a friend."
I liked what Lars' said. Very respectful.

It would seem like Dime was one hell of a nice guy as well, which makes it so much worse that it was him. :cry:

Here is what Vinnie and the band have said:

DAMAGEPLAN drummer Vinnie Paul issued the following statement:

"With all his greatness and accomplishments on the guitar, Dime will be missed more for his giving personality, charisma, caring for others, love and most of all his HEART!! Twice as big as the state of TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Dime gave it all every day to each and every one of us and our lives have forever been hollowed without him...Thanks to all of you for reaching out to us in this time of our immeasurable loss. REST IN PEACE BROTHER DIME!!!!!!"

The surviving members of DAMAGEPLAN issued the following joint statement:

"Jeffrey 'Mayhem' Thompson was not just a true part of the DAMAGEPLAN family, but part of the whole Dallas music scene. He was friend to all, with a great personality. He bent over backward to help us all with his trademark phrases like 'What can I do for you sir?' and 'Coming up!' He also stated his willingness to protect us, saying 'I'd take a bullet for ya,' and unfortunately did in defense of our lives. He truly lived and died for his friends and made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life to save ours. For this we will never forget. You will be missed big man."
fucking good words from Vinnie.

and yes I agree, what Lars said was great. I can just imagine the superband of Cliff, John/Keith, Bon Scott and Dimebag would be!
DAVE MUSTAINE Apologizes To METALLICA, Promises To Be More Like DIMEBAG - Dec. 11, 2004

MEGADETH mainman Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the group's official message board:


"Tonight I had the honor and priveledge to host a special [MTV2 'Headbanger's Ball'] tribute to the life of Darrel 'Dimebag' Abbott.

"I went out to NYC Thursday at 9:30 PM on a redeye to do this, and during the period since then, I have had a good amount of time to reflect on my own life.

"I realized how fortunate I am, and have been to have met some of you, and in some cases become friends with many of you.

"What is bothering me is the people who I have not been able to meet, or worse, have met and ended up not being friends with. There are many.

"I would like to, in honor of Darrel's life, learn from him and how many friends he apparently had made.

"Over my career I have a lot of cleaning up to do on my side of the street as well as letting things go, for once and for all; I need to apologize to many people and also to forgive and quit holding grudges.

"Having said that, if there is something I did to you or someone you know, please give me the opportunity to make this right.

"To SLAYER and METALLICA: I am sorry for whatever I may have done in the past and wish to make it right, to put it behind us. Please let me know how and when we can talk this out.

"To previous bandmembers and managers: I say the same to you.

"To all the MEGADETH/METALLICA fans: from this day forward, there will never be another unkind word from my mouth perpetuating this silly 22-year-old feud.

"And to heavy metal fans around the world: I am going to emulate Dimebag by being more like him; more friendly, and more interested in your lives too, I promise.

"I am grateful to have been asked to come in this hour of darkness to represent us all as we come together and heal as a worldwide music community, and I would be a fraud if I didn't say I need to do more to better represent.

"Thank you in advance for your forgiveness and for your support."
I was thinking the same thing when I read that Spiffo.

I doubt that he and Kerry will ever be friends, Rob Flynn went to Slayers dressing room to put all the bullshit behind Slayer and Machine Head, and when he said to Kerry that they should bury the hatchet and shake hands Kerry just ignored him like a fucking dickhead, and he dislikes Mustaine more than Rob...
None of them have access to the internet Gorey, ive never seen them ever post anything anywhere, even their official site is a pile of shit, im sure someone will interview them in the next few days though.