Mute clean guitar signal Cubase


Senior Member
Apr 2, 2011
Hey there fella's, I have a Cubase question. So when im playing and monitoring my distorted guitar through the monitors I can oddly hear a clean electric guitar underneath, so when i stop monitoring through that track I can hear that clean guitar by itself. The weird thing is, when i play it, and can hear it, the master out shows absolutely nothing. So if i look at my mixer window, the Mono In 9 that im playing through shows a signal, and i can hear it all the time even when the master out shows -inf. I want to mute it and just hear whats coming through distorted. Also, if i record something, when i play it back i cant hear the clean guitar, its still annoying to play with. Any ideas?
I think it's just the Direct-Monitoring from your interface. Try to set up the monitoring source from "Insert" to "Playback" or something like that. On my firepod there is a control on the front for exact this. Which interface do you use?
I have a Firestudio Tube. So that would make sense, they are both Presonus. But I dont think it has any sort of control on the actual interface. Could it be in Universal Control?
No, firestudio hasnt this control anymore. It seems to be a routing thing in universal control. probably one of these individual monitor mixes which is going directly to the main output. i dont know but you could try to turn off or mute all of these. anybody else with universal control in here??
i advise you to contact the presonus support too.