MXR Phase 90, in the loop?


Feb 2, 2005

I just got an MXR Phase90. I've played it stright through the amp and the effect it's not that notorious, specially with lots of gain.

I wanted to know how are these supposed to be played, directly to the amp or in the parallel loop? Thanks.
Mine is on my pedalboard before the amp. It's a very thick sounding effect, so I just use a little of it. I typically use it on the occasional lead, set to about 9 - 10 o'clock for that old VH sound.
Yeah, cool, I tried it on the loop and sounds horrible, sounds much better on the front of the amp.
Phase 90 before the amp is a great sound. In my opinion, that and the Small Stone are studio essentials for anyone with a pedal collection. The Small Stone, while great for guitars, shines the most when put on vocals IMO. Great stuff. I luuuv pedals.