So, I got my new tubes over the weekend. Finally got to do my "Tasty Choice" shootout to pick what I was going to have in them.
To start with, my 5150 had JJ's in the Power and Preamp section of the amp. I didn't actually look to see what was going on in the first place, and just assumed I'd change em all. I pretty much did just that, with one exception that I might go back and change my mind on.
Here's what I have sitting here:
2 - Sino 12AX7A (C-9/9th Gen. Chinese/Shuguang)
1 - Sovtek 12AX7LPS w/ Balanced Triodes
3 - JJ ECC83s / 12AX7's
2 - Penta 12AX7 (C-9/9th Gen. Chinese/Shuguang)
4 - SED SV6L6GC (Winged C's)
1 - Mesa 12AX7 (Pretty sure they use re-branded Sovtek's)
1 - ENGL 12AX7 (Don't really know anything about it, got it from Shane [Martriden])
I put the SED/Winged C's in the power section and BAM! Instant gratification achieved. So much more...awesome! I'm very glad I did the research and followed some recommendations on the forum here (Lasse, primarily), because this made such a difference.
Next, I went to the preamp tubes and discovered they were all JJ's. I had originally planned for 3 of them to be JJ's, so I left the original ones in at that time (which is what I might go back and change). I specifically got the Sovtek w/ balanced triodes for the Phase Inverter position in the preamp, so that was an instant drop in...and I did notice a little more clarity out of that.
To start off, I put a Sino (9th Gen. Chinese) in the V1 slot. I didn't hate it, but it seemed a little bit more shrill than I'd hoped for. I didn't choose to hate it right away, though, since I had a handful of others to try out. Next, I put a Penta Labs 12AX7 in the V1 position. It brought the head to life! I decided if nothing blew me away after having that one in, it'd be my pick. Next, I threw in the ENGL tube. It sounded much like the first one, but there was this faint high pitch ringing I could here. I did a quick finger flick on the tube and WEEEEEEEEEEE....holy moley, it was microphonic as fuck! Next, the Mesa. I liked it, it seemed to be an in-between of the Sino and the Penta, but there was still too much of the shrillness I wasn't enjoying as much before.
I could have put another JJ back in for my test, but I didn't. I wasn't too surprised about the outcome of going with the Penta in the V1 position. I could have also done further testing and flip-flopped the other stuff in and out, but I went with somewhat of a test based on what others had used. The amp sounds really good now, especially with my Baritone/EMG-81 pickup.
Unfortunately, I don't have audio for you to back my claims...but it seems like I experienced a lot of the same shit other people here did. Nothing new to say, really. Just wanted to add another testimonial for those out there looking to delve into a re-tubing of a 5150. On the bright side, I now have an almost duplicate set of preamp tubes and a whole set of JJ's for the power section on deck for backup in case something happens on the road.