My 6505 died yesterday - advice needed :(


Oct 9, 2007
Hey guys,
on our yesterday's show my 6505 just died. Or better: I haven't even gotten the amp to work - so it seems it died over night. :cry:

I plugged it into a jcm900-cab (Mono, 16 ohms), turned it on and ... nothing. I tried a few other combinations (other cab, 8ohms, 4ohms), but the amp remained silent (not even the normal 6505-hum). The tubes were glowing normally, btw. I then had to use my ampeg and the same cab, to play the show.

After the show I inspected it a bit further (without turning it on) - couldn't smell anything and I couldn't find anything that looked burnt or anything.

I'm planning on checking it out further the next few days but first I wanted to ask you guys, what I should look for and what I should and what I (under all circumstances) should NOT do with the amp.
Swap the fuse and see if it helps! Sometimes fuses go for no reason (it happened on my JSX), and you should always swap it ONCE and see if that solves the problem (it did on my JSX). If it blows again, take it to a tech, but otherwise you should be good! And it should say what fuse you need right under the fuse slot (definitely slow-blow, that I can assure you). Good luck man!
Hopefully everything works out for ya! It's hard for tube amps to completely die man! But if it's not the fuse and you can't get it fixed, cram your head in this guitar case and bury it.
Hopefully everything works out for ya! It's hard for tube amps to completely die man! But if it's not the fuse and you can't get it fixed, cram your head in this guitar case and bury it.


No, Dude, fortunately not. The head is only a year old and I'm really sure I'm NOT responsible for any damages. If it died, Peavey's gotta pay for it :D
I hope it's just the fuse man and everything is A OK. I will NEVER go back to Peavey after owning 4 different models and having 3 6505's that all came in like SHIT and failed me...
Fusefusefuse...please be a fuse....

Good luck, let us know...hope it's the easy fix...
worst feeling in the world when your arse hits the floor when something bad happens! hahaha

I felt like satan himself got me by the balls. I really could hear his blatant laughter. :D

I can't get a new fuse until friday or saturday ... and I'm far from beeing a patient guy.
worst feeling in the world when your arse hits the floor when something bad happens! hahaha

Haha yeah, first one was right when I first got it. Saved up so long finally got the bit of kit ive been wanting for years, first chord *bang* and the lights go off. I think I actually just stood there in amazement of how I had broken the thing within the first few seconds of owning it :loco:

Thankfully the fuse was the culprit :)
I freaked out about my uberschall after it died after 1 day, luckily it was just a fuse. Been fine since. When mine blew nothing would come on though, no tube glow, no lights. It was the main fuse though, maybe the other would let the lights and tubes come on?
I just wanna know how the hell you killed a 6505? The shit is built for punishment. This makes you more metal than anyone I have ever heard of
Yeah, I kind of doubt it would be a fuse if the tubes lit up. Preamp tubes possible?

Also, check out the effects loop jacks. On the older ones they are known for causing the amp to cut in and out if they are dirty or damaged. I'm not sure if they would cause it to be totally silent, but it's worth checking into.

Oh crap, I just read again, I didn't catch the part that the tubes were still glowing - I assume that the power LED comes on too? That's almost certainly not a blown fuse then, cuz IME when the fuse goes it's like the amp isn't even plugged into the wall (no power LED, no tube glowage, nothing). Preamp tubes perhaps, and as Joe says mess around with the FX loop (also making sure it's not engaged from the footswitch ;)), but otherwise I'm sorry to say I'm out of ideas! :erk:
Haha yeah, first one was right when I first got it. Saved up so long finally got the bit of kit ive been wanting for years, first chord *bang* and the lights go off. I think I actually just stood there in amazement of how I had broken the thing within the first few seconds of owning it :loco:

ahaha, i think i would have been in a grave by now if that happend to me. especially if it was a mesa! my heart is just racing at the thought of it
Argh ... Dudes, are you kidding, I was kind of relieved when I read all the messages about the fuses :D

Well, it most certainly isn't the FX-Loop as I never have the Footswitch plugged in - can I turn the FX-Loop On/Off without the FS?

I haven't tried out the Preamp-Out yet. And I didn't check the Preamp-Tubes either. How would I do this anyway? I assume, I need a complete new set of Preamp-Tubes, right?

And to answer the question how I did kill the amp:
I have no idea! I didn't do anything to it. I played a show the day before, after which I put the amp back into it's case. Then the amp stood in the van until the next evening. I plugged it in, turned the power-switch on, waited a few minutes, turned on the standby-switch and ... basically nothing :(