My 6505 died yesterday - advice needed :(

Not having used the FX loop is no guarantee it isn't the culprit (although I don't think it is)...the return jack completes the circuit, and just about any dirt or corrosion can cause a multitude of funkiness...especially if there isn't anything plugging in and out regularly. Just for the sake of it get out some contact cleaner and shoot some into the jacks and plug a cord in 2 or 3 or 40 times (hehe). This is worth doing on any amp as part of basic maintenance.
I had a Marshall JMP (no FX loop) long ago that exhibited these exact symptoms...played a recording session, loaded out, next day zip..nada.
Turned out the ancient paper caps had 'discharged' and had to be replaced...not good news I'm afraid...
Anyway...fusefusefusepleasebeafuse...and there are plenty to check...
Hope this helps you out!
Ah right, I forgot that there are fuses inside the amp (I was referring to the one on the back, which I guess is the mains fuse, hence when I blew mine NOTHING happened when I turned it on) - there is hope yet Joe! :D
They're alright actually, theres just alot of them, they've been around for years, and these are tube amps. Not known for excellent reliability and consistency. Thats why solid state was the new best thing! I've heard them becoming noisey too, but I've seen just as much about mesa build quality so I think its just tube amps in general.
I checked out the fjamods site and ... well, if I can't find anything tomorrow without opening the amp (bad power tube etc.) I'm going to send it back to thomann to either get it repaired or to get another one.
If they offer a replacement I think about asking for a Krank Rev instead - I don't think they would do that, but who knows :D
Is it Just me or do 6505's and 5150s (particularly Block Letters) have the Reputation of being pretty unreliable?

Quite the contrary, I'd say, at least for 5150's (block letters are IDENTICAL except for their stock tubes, btw ;)), they're supposed to be bulletproof, and mine was! I've heard of a lot of problems with the 6505's, though, so maybe they cheapened up the components or something...
Eh, I'm really not a fan of the 5150, it's too smooth for my tastes, no bite (just fizz) - the Rev from all I've heard seems like a perfect balance between the bark/bite of a Rectifier and the extreme smoothness of the 5150
I'm on my second 6505 in 6 months and that one is also playing up. I think the current 6505 has some serious quality issues:mad: