He's 14 and think it's cool to drink and smoke... I guess that's normal...
guyz i drink vodka cause it doesnt smell and parents cant really make out that u are drunk...and as far as smoking is concerned...i hang around with bunch of older guyz...cause in india almost 99.50% people lissn to either rap or some bullshit hindi pop music...that is why i think i am the only 'kid' in india to be lissning to metal u kno.. india sucks really...u get guitars at twice the rates what u get in usa or finland or whatever...and parents over here suck...i want to be a musician when i grow up but my dad is like he wants me to become a fuckin engineer...now how uncool is that...he thinks that metal is for jerks and loosers...and he doesnt kno shit about rock music..he thinks that kind of music is just meant to be played on weekends in hotels or sumthing....he just wants an oppurtunity to stop me from playing my guitar...so u kno my life really sucks...damn i wish some one from finland could adopt me u kno then i'll be like playing my guitar for atleast 16 hours a day...whenever i have a fuckin bad time...i feel that my guitarr is always there...parents suck guyz really...my life sucks too...but still it is never harmful to dream u kno...
Hey, think it this way if you get degree in engineering, you can always became subcontractor for some Finnish or US company, make connections and get then job from here, US or some other country and play as much music as you want. I have lot of co-workers (engineers) that play in the metal band, one actually plays in a metal band that tours around the world, makes albums and such. There is nothing wrong to be engineer and you get nice pay for financing your musical ambitionsup but my dad is like he wants me to become a fuckin engineer...now how uncool is that...he thinks that metal is for jerks and loosers...
guyz i drink vodka cause it doesnt smell and parents cant really make out that u are drunk...and as far as smoking is concerned...i hang around with bunch of older guyz...cause in india almost 99.50% people lissn to either rap or some bullshit hindi pop music...that is why i think i am the only 'kid' in india to be lissning to metal u kno.. india sucks really...u get guitars at twice the rates what u get in usa or finland or whatever...and parents over here suck...i want to be a musician when i grow up but my dad is like he wants me to become a fuckin engineer...now how uncool is that...he thinks that metal is for jerks and loosers...and he doesnt kno shit about rock music..he thinks that kind of music is just meant to be played on weekends in hotels or sumthing....he just wants an oppurtunity to stop me from playing my guitar...so u kno my life really sucks...damn i wish some one from finland could adopt me u kno then i'll be like playing my guitar for atleast 16 hours a day...whenever i have a fuckin bad time...i feel that my guitarr is always there...parents suck guyz really...my life sucks too...but still it is never harmful to dream u kno...
I live there and believe me, not all people are dumb and fucked up like this guy.
ok guyz i know i have acted stupid since my first post and i now realise it....let us forget about my stupid deeds and make a fresh start....its like every other guy in the forum is like mocking me...i can understand..if i was in ur place i would have done the same thing...but cmon guyz let us have a fresh start and i wont act stupid...so guyz...are u still angry with me? I am really sorry....