My Attempt at an Emmure type song

0:21 --> WTF :err:
Very untidy and out of tune. Might be something good for an emmure
type of song. But in this case... Not really.
The rest is ok. :p
ya I'm using dfh with a replaced bass drum that im not completely happy with but it sounds alright in this mix i think. oh ya and joker that was just improvisation with my trem lol, its supposed to sound out of tune at least at that part :) and ya im kinda new to the floyd rose trem thing and its a pain keeping it in tune, but i probably should keep it more in check, and ya if i rerecord this it'll be alot tighter, this was just me getting my ideas down
It's not bad. Drums are small and weak, but that's just DFH. Guitars need more volume, more gain and a lot more bass. It sounds like there's no bass track at all. A lot of the playing sounds pretty sloppy.
ya bugsy go for it that would be awesome, if you want ill even work on a tighter recording of it so that you have something better to scream/sing to, and ya i love harmonic minor! and minor 2nds but I think anyone who plays this stuff does. As the Rhythm tracks go i got lazy and didnt even duplicate them cuz this was to just get my ideas down.
ya bugsy go for it that would be awesome, if you want ill even work on a tighter recording of it so that you have something better to scream/sing to, and ya i love harmonic minor! and minor 2nds but I think anyone who plays this stuff does. As the Rhythm tracks go i got lazy and didnt even duplicate them cuz this was to just get my ideas down.

Yea go for it. Just keep them in same session when u rerecord so we can just copy/paste vocal tracks over to v2 ;)