My babies Daddy..

actually, GD, thanks for the tips man, we've actually been buying diapers everytime we go food shoppin', and a good friend of mine has a little girl who just grew out of a bunch of clothes that we luckly inherited!

and yes ante, that is exactly what i feel like! hehehehe. a feep. heheheh.
I just got me a new grandson! 7.2 lbs and 17 inches long.
Newborns rule and today is his 0th birthday!!!!

I wonder why they don't do the deaths like the do the births.

Bob was 502 lbs. and 69 inches long at death!
BasilisK 3 7 77 said:
The 34th month?

She's gonna need the drugs if she's giving birth to a 3 year old... :yell: :erk: :ill: :hypno: :eek: :zombie: :yow:
Sorry bout taht, meant week!!!!!!(hides head in embarassment)
chris-o-fer said:

Hey GD, congrat's dude! That's awsome! How many does that make?

Do I really seem that old? hahaha
No, it's my first. Gotta love holdin' them 'less than one day old' babies!
He will be my Morel huntin' buddy soon enough.
chris-o-fer said:
Yes. You are sooooo dust. hehehe. No, man, I must have misunderstood you when you said "new grandson", I thought that meant you had a "previous" one. ;)
my bad! :)

That's cool. He's just new to me.
Remember these times C cause not long from now you will
be telling your daughter ,while she is in labor, all the trouble
and all the wonder that was her birth. Mabey you should keep
a journal or something.
PS., Wait till you see the baby's head emerging and the color of
your ladies ( doomaflatchie) ;). You will tell yourself that
there is now way in hell you could ever satisfy her again after all that! hahaha
It's spelled "My Baby's Daddy." Otherwise it doesn't make a damn bit of sense.

And by the thread title, are you insinuating that you had a baby with another man? That's just...freaky.
well, at first we believed there to be twins, which would make it plural. Uh, then I'd be the "babies daddy"? or something. well, that doesn't seem quite as interesting though, so, yeah....uh...WATCH THE MAN LOVE hehehehhee.
You still forgot the apostraphe. Even with plural there's an apostraphe, just put it behind the s.

"My Baby's Daddy."
"My Babies' Daddy."