My band covering "Symphony of Destruction"

Thanks guys - honestly that was recorded not long after we'd started playing together. The lead guitarist on that song is only 18, the drummer 22 and he never gets to practice. We're actually not bad at all now we have the singer (who's good!).
On the "playing Fuel instead of Marduk" thing - well, we played our first gig the other week. There were 9 other bands there, some of whom played EXTREME heavy shit, others doing melodic pop and stuff and of them all, I shit you not, WE got the best reception. It was fucking great.
Yes we played Fuel, Sweet Child O Mine, Creeping Death, Peace Sells - mainstream-ish stuff, but that's what people want to hear I'm afraid so...rather than the audience standing looking bored during their set like most of the other bands, we had people singing along and headbanging so, there you go.

Sure, I'd love to play something like Death's "Pull the Plug" but unfortunately it aint gonna happen. It's "Fuel" and stuff like that hahaha!
Exaxtly, I found it more fun having people clapping and headbanging and enjoying the songs than I would have if I was in one of those other bands doing all their own material with everyone looking fed up.
BTW we DID do one of our own songs, one I wrote, and that too got a good reaction - because, no doubt, it was sandwiched between songs everyone knew and liked.

If IMFan can put me in touch with three or four musicians that live near me and can rehearse around the same hours I do, and they want to play black or death metal, then fucking awesome. Anyone that's ever tried putting a band like that together in my neck of the woods knows it's fucking impossible. Even finding a singer who's any good and likes stuff like Maiden is impossible for some bands near me.