my band finally releasing something (Since the Fire - Spontaneous Human Consumption)

Good stuff man! Killer riffs and I heard some old Inflames influence there. If you want my honest opinion, there's one thing I would do differently though, from the writing point of view. Now the song is like four different sections one after the other (to me). I think that it's better if songs have different structures/riffs/themes that are repeated a few times, otherwise it's not a song, just a bunch of riffs one after the other. But that's just a matter of taste, there're no rules on how to write songs :)

By the way did you produce the cd yourself ?
Good stuff man! Killer riffs and I heard some old Inflames influence there. If you want my honest opinion, there's one thing I would do differently though, from the writing point of view. Now the song is like four different sections one after the other (to me). I think that it's better if songs have different structures/riffs/themes that are repeated a few times, otherwise it's not a song, just a bunch of riffs one after the other. But that's just a matter of taste, there're no rules on how to write songs :)

By the way did you produce the cd yourself ?

Totally understand what you mean. Most of our other songs are a bit more structured. This one was mainly written by our other guitarist.

We tracked everything ourselves and had a fellow forum member mix and master. I don't think he's around here much though.