I´d go for a different snare sound, less mushy and thin. The rest of the drumkit isn´t audible, except for kick n snare.
And crush the master a bit less
Ok thanx for feedback...kick drum is 100% sample and snare is about 50/50 mics and sample. Rest of the Kit is natural. Cool to hear u Like it... Well yeah i agreed that bass could be louder but i still battling to get more separation between instruments just dunno where to start cutting so still learning
I agree with the snare point. It still sounds thin and filtered (some raising between 3-5 kHz).
Also, I'd recommend to clean up guitars' mids (~3k as well) a bit to free some more place for the vocals.
so i tried to add more fat to snare and make it come to more "alive" and little dip in guitars (lead and rythm) around 3k and then raised vocals in same area...its hard to find right balance between what is too much or less but anyway here is results...i think its getting better so thanks alot those tips!