My band gonna play with Megadeth

wen i met dave back in 05 after the manchester uk gig (dave wanted to see the forumites on tour who wished him a happy birthday on the deth forum) he was a really nice guy, he really wanted to meet us all and really was stickin around for as long as possible, making sure he spoke to all of us properly!! but to be playing with em, thats mint!
Thank you all guys!!
I take all your comments as good vibes, and thats good!!
Today is the day, i´ll come back on monday, i hope with some good pics!!

I just came back from Monterrey.
We had a Really good response from the poeple!!, better than i expected, is really good to feel the energy when you just step on the stage and the overwhelming screams of the people get up through your spine, is a rush of pure adrenaline!!, one of the best shows in my life, i have some shitty video takes from a digital camera that i will try to upload.

No meeting with Megadeth, all, the crew and them, was having a bad time, with the lack of some equipment and other technical problems.. at the moment we arrive to the venue, they were doing sound check, and something happened (some footswitch mistake) that went to mustaine inears monitors and pissed him off, i think was Broderick´s fault hehe, cause dave apparently get mad with him.

but i had the oportunity to talk with the guitar tech, a really nice guy called william, he show me mustaine´s guitars and rig. Three dean guitars, with a lot dents and repairs hehe, but he tell me that mustaine loves them that way.
Broderick was using Engl amp, but dont know what model and Dave using a rack consisting on a Marshall Poweramp and digitech preamps i thing 2112.

Was a Good night :)
Yeah, that rush is the best feeling, man. Gotta live for it! I talked to someone who was at a 'deth show in Toronto last year. I guess he threw his guitar at the tech during the first song, walked off stage and that was it. No show! Man, it just doesn't take too much to piss that dude off. Good ole Dave.
Yeah the guy is moody, guitar tech seems not to be very happy working for them, he tell me that he work for about 15 bands (Anthrax, Lamb of god, Testament, Nevermore, King Diamond, All that remains, and dont remember the others) but Megadeth pays the best, in his words "they think because they pay me more, they can demand me to do more". in the past i had thought that would be really cool working as a guitar tech for some big band, but after talking with this guy, mm maybe not, he only have 5 weeks per year to be in home.

However, he gave us Megadeth guitar picks, but in the back, there was more pick, cooler ones in black, and we "took" a few, supposly, dave pisses off and wanted to cancel the show, because guitar picks were stolen, hehe oops!, but not playing because of that is pretty ridiculous, although we maybe never had touched those picks.
However, he gave us Megadeth guitar picks, but in the back, there was more pick, cooler ones in black, and we "took" a few, supposly, dave pisses off and wanted to cancel the show, because guitar picks were stolen, hehe oops!

Hahahahahahahahaha, nice dude, sounds like the fuckhead deserved it