My band is about to release our debut album, listen to our first single

Oct 31, 2002
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Some of you are familiar with my band's, Synesthesia, music from previus demos, now we are getting ready to release our first album. And this is the first single of the yet unnamed album.

It's called "Lápidas"

Other songs, and samples should be posted, and if anyone is interested in recieving a copy of our album when it's released, keep your heads up on the release date and info on how to place an order for it.

For those of you who dont know, we are a band located in the Dominican Republic, we've been playing together for 3 years now, we have released 2 demos already, and now we are about to make our debut album through an independent release.

Anyways, hope you people like the song, I'll make aviable more of our music as the release date aproaches.