My bands first music video...


Oct 9, 2007
I made it for my degree as a "Bachelor of Arts" in February.

It's online for about a month now and I thought I should share it with you guys, too. I made everything from recording to mixing, from filming to editing. It took about 4 months to complete the work on it - from the very first ideas to the finished video.

Enough words, here's the link:

Enjoy it, leave some comments and share the link with your friends if you like it. By the way, I'm the guy with the long hair :D
That's pretty damn impressive and ironically a lot better than what most signed, professional bands spit out. In regards to the quality of the vid.
I should have added, that it's not the typical metal-stuff ... actually I think it's by far one of our most "boring" and simple songs ... but somehow I really like it. Anyway, thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it.
dude, your vid kicks ass! i loved the theme you ran with, such a great departure from the typical metal video (or any other genre for that matter). its been awhile since i've seen a music vid that had such a diff feel from everything else out there. :kickass:
dude, your vid kicks ass! i loved the theme you ran with, such a great departure from the typical metal video (or any other genre for that matter). its been awhile since i've seen a music vid that had such a diff feel from everything else out there. :kickass:

Thanks, bro. I take it as one of the greatest compliments on it. Thank you very much.

haha i saw you guys live :D
REALLY nice vid, way better than most "commercial" ones..

Really? Where? :D
Good video, good idea! But I was expecting something else to happen... wasn't expecting the same thing to run through the entire video.

I think the video (and the song itself) would be much better if there was some part where it "opens up". Maybe a part with some nice big layered guitars or something melodic-ish or atmospheric, and that would be somewhere in the middle of the song so the video could use that part to also "open up" into something other than the main theme. Perhaps the camera could've just zoomed in on one of the photos and then stayed in "full screen" in order for the band to have more real estate on the screen, and stay there for the rest of the song or something similiar.

I dunno, I think it still has lots of potential, lots of things to fiddle around with.

Overall, it's good though, definately enjoyed it more than the typical metal video (industrial place, dimmed lights, head banging).