Very proud to have one made FINALLY, want you guys to see it. Probably not everyone's taste of music here since we're not thrash but would like we rock or what?

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Thanks guys, we're doing another one soon of an original, I'll make sure I'm in it a lot lol. Heard today we just got booked to open for Soil and Hed pe next Thursday, I'm very excited!thats pretty rocking,be good to c an original though.
The one we're planning to do is really bass-driven with a walking bass line that I wrote so I should be the star of it lolTell the director of your next video : MORE SUFFERER!!
good stuff
Heard today we just got booked to open for Soil
The full album is still being mixed but will hopefully be done soon, should have 11 songs all original except for Pressure.That is awesome! You guys have an album out yet?