my bands latest song.. need opinions on the mix

brutal shit dude!!!!
mhm...i think i can't give you any tipps on the vocal stuff, because i never did a vocal recording :rofl:
but i have the feeling that the vocals are covered by the rest of the mix...
maybe turn them a tad louder...i don't know :rofl:

but i like the song very much!
good shit man i dig it a lot. agreeing with what aix said, ive never really recorded vocals either, but it sounds like they could be brought forward in the mix a little. are the drums programmed? the ride sounded just a tad out of place towards the end. but all in all, its a very ill mix. keep it up! :headbang:
Hey guys, thanks for the comments.

Yes, the drums are programmed! Theres afew things that have been changed within it, but the whole thing is getting re-mixed on thursday along with another track that lolzgregg re-amped for me. I'll post that up along with the new "41" when we've finished.

Again, Thanks for the comments!

p.s i'll take note of bringing the vocals forward abit, thanks!