My band's music video is done!

How are the Dominators?
Never had the chance to play one and a good friend of mine is looking
for one and could get it pretty cheap, but no way to test it before.
He's going to use it with a dirty sound and pick in Kataklysm influenced

Watched it like 5-6 times now and I really dig the intro and outro music (the rest, is cool, too).

The Demonators are awesome! I'm not sure about the metalman versions but the ones I have (standard) sound great. They're rather dark sounding, but for the sound you're going for they should work great. I also go for a dirty picked tone and the demonator does this really well. It wouldn't be my choice for a clean tone, but with some distortion it sounds great and can really sound almost malevolent or evil for lack of a better adjective.

Thanks for all the compliments guys!

As for the budget for the video that is something I'd have to ask our drummer. He handles all the bizness. No, I'm not joking.
Thanks for the info about the Demonator, seems like the perfect bass for my
friend. Totally different from what I like but should fit his needs pretty well.