- general layout looks cool and I like the fact that the website has a search function
- the news page is basically irrelevant since you already have the latest news on the front page so you can can just put the same nagivation stuff to the front page
- I also don't like the fact that I actually have to scroll a full screen until you get to the actual content on the front page. The flash animation on the frontpage and the band page is cool and all, but it doesn't add anything relevant to the page.
- The media button on the navigation and on the Music page's navigation doesn't link anywhere
- The front page and photo page doesn't have the same navigation as the other pages and on the Band page the navigation is at different location. Make it more standard please, really frustrating that kind of thing is
- Link the main navigation as text to the bottom of the page, like
here. That kind of sitemap design has been an unwritten internet standard procedure on webdesign since the beginning of the internet. And using the footer for copyright info and other stuff is also a good policy that's also been used since the dawn of the internet.
- Clicking on the Flash/DHTML thing on the band page makes the page scroll to the beginning of the page. Me no likey.
- Myspace page opens on new window, Facebook page doesn't. Choose one or the other, not both.
- The background breaks when you scroll too much on a search page
Thats what you get when you show a page to a former webdesigner