My new website. Please beta-test :)


Apr 8, 2006
Hamburg, Germany
Hey everyone.

My girlfriend just got done coding my new website (I designed it, so it's a collaborative effort) and I'd like some feedback or beta-testing, just to see if there is something majorly wrong on other system/browser-combinations.

So if you have time, hop over to, browse around and let me know if you find anything.

Looks good and no problems in the Opera so far.

Just a design suggestion - you should have separated the right column (with shope and other links) somehow visualy.
Looks good dude!

But did you seriously get your stage-name tattooed on your back? :hypno:

And yes, warm vodka is indeed abominable, agreed :lol:
Nice the you opted to do a pro website and didn´t conform with just a Myspace, as a lot of people do, cool websites aren´t popular anymore :(
Nice the you opted to do a pro website and didn´t conform with just a Myspace, as a lot of people do, cool websites aren´t popular anymore :(

I think they are. And pro-looking websites are VERY popular with concert bookers who are usually old farts that are out of touch with the youth-of-today (ironic that they book the concerts for the youth-of-today!). They very often think: "No website? They must be amateurs!". I learned that the hard way lately!
I think they are. And pro-looking websites are VERY popular with concert bookers who are usually old farts that are out of touch with the youth-of-today (ironic that they book the concerts for the youth-of-today!). They very often think: "No website? They must be amateurs!". I learned that the hard way lately!

Agreed :)

Very nice website, good design... I could analyze it more if I want to and try to come up with some flaws just to prove to myself that I haven't forgotten those 3 years of studying design and shit, and also just to generally be a dick but nah... I think it's great man!

Wait... you said your GF coded it? Does she also cook? OMG, if so, DONT LET HER GO... EVER! A coding cook, WTF O_o
Agreed :)

Very nice website, good design... I could analyze it more if I want to and try to come up with some flaws just to prove to myself that I haven't forgotten those 3 years of studying design and shit, and also just to generally be a dick but nah... I think it's great man!

Wait... you said your GF coded it? Does she also cook? OMG, if so, DONT LET HER GO... EVER! A coding cook, WTF O_o

Haha, thanks. And yea, she can cook. Very well, actually! With focus on Asian (Thai) and traditional German food. I guess I got really lucky for once!
GuitarGodgt: I decided on that because the blog has a different nav-structure than the site. I am not completely convinced about it myself, but it's the only thing I can think of (other than integrating the blog into the site somehow, which I don't know how to do) ...