My bass stopped working, can someone tell me what is wrong?

If you haven't physically opened up the cavity to look at the electronics, you shall be beaten repeatedly with quite a large number of badgers; if you have, and you haven't found anything that looks to be a poor connection or a broken wire, the problem is most likely going to be inside the pot or in your cable. Jiggle everything. Check the cable - if you jiggle it and get crackles, take note. Unscrew the pot and jiggle it around - if you get crackles or signal, take note. Let me know if this helps anything - if you get noise from there, we might get somewhere. Otherwise... not a whole lot we can do, unless you also have a multimeter around somewhere and quite a bit of time.

Ah thanks, I unscrewed the back of it and took a look, one of the wires is disconnected

Im going to ask if the guitar shop can repair it
Go to Radio Shack and get a soldering iron for like $30. It'll be much cheaper than taking it to the luthier, and you'll learn a skill that _all_ guitarists should have.

"Teach a man to fish..."
Sweet fucking Satan, you come to the internet BEFORE actually looking at the motherfucker... and then you're too helpless to connect a wire?

Someone get the shock collar, I really shouldn't be allowed to interact with people right now...

Go to Radio Shack and get a soldering iron for like $30. It'll be much cheaper than taking it to the luthier, and you'll learn a skill that _all_ guitarists should have.

"Teach a man to fish..."

Im new to this and just don't want to fuck up
Thanks for giving this advice instead of just making an asshole comment like JBroll
Eh, don't take it personally. He's actually quite a brilliant dude with a sense of humor that might not be immediately obvious to everyone.

Seriously though, get a soldering iron and melt the wire back in place. Done and done.
Im new to this and just don't want to fuck up
Thanks for giving this advice instead of just making an asshole comment like JBroll

JBroll said:
If you haven't physically opened up the cavity to look at the electronics, you shall be beaten repeatedly with quite a large number of badgers; if you have, and you haven't found anything that looks to be a poor connection or a broken wire, the problem is most likely going to be inside the pot or in your cable. Jiggle everything. Check the cable - if you jiggle it and get crackles, take note. Unscrew the pot and jiggle it around - if you get crackles or signal, take note. Let me know if this helps anything - if you get noise from there, we might get somewhere. Otherwise... not a whole lot we can do, unless you also have a multimeter around somewhere and quite a bit of time.


Nope. No good advice, sorry about that. I suppose I should make myself useful and fill someone's inbox with private messages containing links to '' with bizarre titles involving shock collars and 'my sweet satan'...


And for the record I'm underweight, I don't live with my parents, and I don't worship Satan. I do, however, offer lessons in recognizing sarcasm for $25 an hour (USD, shipping, taxes, and import/export fees not included) if you're interested.

Brakk, I don't really think I'm that hard to get along with. Sure, there's the mad-scientist-with-extra-mad vibe, the bitter cynicism, and the unrelenting drive to make everything better, but apart from that I think I'm a pretty nice guy. I'm just not the kind of nice guy that takes it up the ass. I'll do what I can to help - I replied in less than half an hour to your post, as helpful as anyone could be expected to be with such little information, and I was right as well - but watch who you snap at. And if you're going to have a go at me, you can do it with much more maturity and something constructive or useful and maybe I won't repaint my bedroom with you, a mop, and a trunk full of power tools.

Does dropping this here and leaving it completely behind seem fair to you?

It's between myself and him - honestly, if he does want the kind of war you want to see, it'll probably be like shooting fish in a barrel... except with the barrel affixed to the end of a Howitzer. I'd rather fight wars worth my time, this is just silly.
