Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp/Peavey Classic 50/50 PROBLEM

Nov 2, 2007
Canada EH
ive asked on forums and stuff and i know the answers gonna be "u'd have to get it looked at" but im posting it JUST INCANSE it has happened to anyone, look at the signature for my rig. ok u did. there is 2 standby switches on the peavey, i just to only have 1 on when i played (on as in NOT in standby position) then i started to use 2 which gave better tone (more headroom and mids, less mud sound) and now when i play loud the 2 standby lights will dim and the sound dims with them, and every bit, the lights complete cut out and so does the sounbd (completley) here are my settings, now they sound weird but the volume knob,treble knob, and drive knobs arent just what they are, they do what they say PLUS they add gain

Mesa Preamp
Volume 10
Master 5
Treble 8
Bass 0
Mid 0
Lead Drive 5 (sounds like 15 though! \m/)
Lead master 0-5
Reverb 0

Lead fat on
Lead Bright off
Graphic EQ engaged

(bass knob on 0 because its flubber, i use the graphic, mid knob on 0 because it dosent really do anything, use mids on graphic)

Level 5
Presence 6
Resonence 4

tubes in peavey are fine, checked em.
my guitar tech thought i was overdriving the poweramp so told me to turn the volume up on the poweramp and down on teh preamp, tried it in small incraments and in big ones, and eventually it still happened

the mesas graphic is a classic V BUT the highmids are COMPLETLEY scooped cuz i hate high mids, but the mid one it self isnt.

has anyone ever seen anything like this? im now gonna put this smilie here because it looks funny :kickass::kickass: hahahah

hahaha, seriously, what the fuck is going on, its probably thefyn's little brother, lol

His retarded little brother. Am I the only one who gets pissed when someone who is from an English speaking country, can't speak English correctly? I mean we all make typo's from time to time, but some of these guys just take the piss.
His retarded little brother. Am I the only one who gets pissed when someone who is from an English speaking country, can't speak English correctly? I mean we all make typo's from time to time, but some of these guys just take the piss.

Just having graduated with an English degree.....yes, I find it annoying. Considering that the purpose of a new thread is to ask for help, it's definitely beneficial to ensure that other people can understand what you are writing! Firefox even has a built-in spell checker now.
I'm still trying to figure out why he listed preamp settings when he is trying to figure out what's wrong with a power amp:rolleyes:
Just having graduated with an English degree.....yes, I find it annoying. Considering that the purpose of a new thread is to ask for help, it's definitely beneficial to ensure that other people can understand what you are writing! Firefox even has a built-in spell checker now.

OT: Nice man, congratulations! I'm studying the English language as well, love it.
I'm still trying to figure out why he listed preamp settings when he is trying to figure out what's wrong with a power amp:rolleyes:

lol, I have sort of a weird guitar tech, he said it might have to do with the settings on the preamp overdriving the poweramp (because ur not suposed to distort the poweramp) unless your looking for that screwdriver-in-speaker sound. see i can speak english somewhat when i try :)
lol, I have sort of a weird guitar tech, he said it might have to do with the settings on the preamp overdriving the poweramp (because ur not suposed to distort the poweramp) unless your looking for that screwdriver-in-speaker sound. see i can speak english somewhat when i try :)
Wouldn't the fastest solution be to let your tech look at the amp? Actually though, I get the impression he is a hack from your post.
Also, yeah it's actually cool to OD tube power amps if it gets the sound you want. It imparts a different character.
But, just take the thing to a tech.
ya i did and he looked at it and he checked the tubes and they were fine and he cant really check much more so he is trying to figure out what it is, and he is kinda right, high gians and volumes will sometimes overdrive the poweramp, he says to use the pweramps volume for master instead of the preamp so that the poweramp is supplying it, tried it, didnt work, i r mad
Ok. Let me rephrase this. Take your amp to a peavey certified tech and leave it there for a week and then go pick it up when they call you.
Even if we properly identified it on this forum you would still need to take it to a repair shop. So lets skip the conversation.