My Beef with the Rock in Rio DVD


Your hippie fan
Sep 26, 2004
Sacramento, CA
Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone else shared these thoughts about the Rock in Rio DVD... The audio and video quality is top of the tops. OUTSTANDING! However, the cameras are moving from angle to angle to band member to band member so fast that you never get more the a second on one guy. I wish the editors had longer shots of the boys. Am I alone here or is anyone with me? 2 1/2 months till OZZFEST. YIPPIE! :Smokin: :headbang:
Yea the camera jumping thing, I hate that, I would love to be able to study their hands on the guitars, but you have to be fast and you can glean what they are doing technique wise. But I look at that concert and think to myself; that’s big time rock n roll, and it don’t get any bigger, ever…
The funny thing about all of this is if you read the Maiden Bio book, Run To The Hills, the author states ad nauseum about how "cutty" and "MTV" Live After Death is... I personally beg to differ. The editing and production value of LAD (slower cuts, more WIDE shots of the whole stage, crane shots starting wide and pushing into a closeup) BLOW AWAY any other live video done since.

I love Steve Harris' playing and writing to death, but I ABHORE his editing style! Talk about "cutty" and "Lightning Quick" Sheesh! As a musician, you'd think he'd realize that people want to actually see the musicians play more than 2 notes per shot! Also, as a fan, I like to see the entire stage's production design and lighting... And as for the Donington vid... All of that black and white slow motion shit was horrendous... I could care less about 5 seconds of head banging, sweaty fans while Davey is belting out an incredible lead!

Somebody burn down Steve's edit bay! We'll have to see how short-attention span syndrom he goes on the Dance of Death DVD vid... Going to have to get a boot of the original cable broadcast of the same show they're editing from to get a better "perspective" of the show. Shit, perhaps I'll cut a new version!

Rendclaw said:
If you think that Rock in Rio is bad (and it is), Rush in Rio is MUCH worse.

Yes I almost purchased it, but the reviews said the sound was really bad, because they didn't do a sound check, and the said it sounded like you were right in the audience in that the audience sounded louder than the guitars.

What about the Hendrix video when he play the National Anthem? That really sucked, just as he went into the most important part of the solo the cameral dude zooooms in on his face... Just makes you scratch your head and wonder why they do these things.
RoboCaster said:
What about the Hendrix video when he play the National Anthem? That really sucked, just as he went into the most important part of the solo the cameral dude zooooms in on his face... Just makes you scratch your head and wonder why they do these things.

He obviously wasn't a guitar player!!!! ;)
RoboCaster said:
Yes I almost purchased it, but the reviews said the sound was really bad, because they didn't do a sound check, and the said it sounded like you were right in the audience in that the audience sounded louder than the guitars.

The sound wasn't bad, though Neil was having trouble with some of his equipment that night.

It seems to me that anytime that Rio is recorded it sounds like that, because the crowd sings as one, and hell I forget the exact number but wasn't it up around 100,000 people?

I have to say that the gold standard for video editing is Live After Death, and I don't say that strictly because I am a Maiden fan. Everything to me was close to perfect as far and angles and cuts... I think that Steve should yield up control of concert editing to someone more polished, although I understand his desire to keep control of it. He's been driven ever since he started playing bass, why should he change now? ::chuckles::
alanbirdsell said:
Well, in regard to Hendrix, do we really think anyone involved with that was sober? :D Probably thought he saw Jimi's face melting and wanted to capture it on video :D

Yea I’ve thought about that before, I figured the camera guy was so high that it made perfect sense to him, kinda’ like #9 made sense to the Beetles at that time.