Rock in Rio / Rude Awakenings


Who Dares Wins
Mar 26, 2002
What does everyone think of Rock in Rio? What do you think of the overdubbing parts from Bruce? (where he originally allowed the crowd to sing those parts instead). I think that's fair for the CD, but I wonder how that will affect the DVD...(which is what I'm waiting for). I doubt if they would leave the crowd parts in since Steve H. posted his note saying that the crowd sounded terrible ("out of time and key").

On a side note, has anyone heard the Megadeth live album yet (Rude Awakenings)? Even the majority of die hard Megadeth fans are complaining about the production value, saying it sounds worse than a bootleg! Not sure what happened with this band after Youthanasia, but I think they could have really slammed that last nail into their coffin now....three strikes and you're out! :cry:
RA is ok, the crowd is way too dead though, its not a travesty, but ill take the studio versions over RA any day :D Its really been getting a hammering from a lot of people and I dont think its THAT bad, but more for the Deth fanatics I think :)

As for RIR, ive said it before, ill say it again, bands SHOULD fix mistakes on an *official* live album, if I want to hear them live properly, ill find a bootleg, I want great versions of studio songs with the energy of a live show behind them, and of course, the ALL important loud as F**K crowd! :D
I disagree Spawmy,
i think an official live album should be just as they play it on stage...not something that they listen to later and fix up mistakes.....Any mistakes in a live perfomance should be left there for a true fan to discover(or ignore as the case may be)
Sometimes live renditions are exactly the same as the studio effort - except you have the crowd clapping and cheering in the background.

I think I'll wait for the DVD for both so you can see and hear the adrenaline flowing on stage with all the lights and pyros etc!!

I think the problem with Megadeth though was that they had released two really bad albums and then didn't take the time to produce this live album properly. They've been slated on their own forum boards. And the front cover is a tribute to Metallica's Enter Sandman right? I'm not sure what goes through Mustaine's mind at times.

Steve Harris really seems to be a perfectionist on the other hand.
Originally posted by Ralphe
I disagree Spawmy,
i think an official live album should be just as they play it on stage...not something that they listen to later and fix up mistakes.....Any mistakes in a live perfomance should be left there for a true fan to discover(or ignore as the case may be)

Ahhh BUT! If a true fan wants to hear everything, they would no doubt have bootlegs to do so already :D

Im not saying they should record the whole thing in the studio, but 2 of my favourite live albums are Alive 3 and Live Insurrection and both had HEAPS of stuff fixed up/changed but that doesnt make them rock any less :D
Rude Awakenings is, without doubt, the worst record ever released.

Do not waste your money on this piece of shit. Gay Jizzstain can't even sing on a studio record let alone on stage. It's like listening to a drunk jap singing karaoke.
RA isn't that bad - you just need to give it a heap of volume and a bit of time. (pitty it wasn't made back in RIP days - that would rock)

As for RIR, I've heard a bad mp3 of the Clansman. I'm suprised. They are actually nearly in time - a first in quite a long time. Can't wait for the proper cd and dvd.