My best mix yet, with a special guest!


Jun 25, 2008
from american idol! rachel meeks she was a top 50 finalist last year but quit (not kicked off) for personal reasons Final.mp3

drums: s2.0
guitars: Shecter c-1xxx with blackouts > 5150 EVH > mesa OS 4x12 (the old one with 3 inputs) > sm57 > presonus firepod

Shecter c-1xxx with blackouts > orange rocker 30 > mesa OS 4x12 (the old one with 3 inputs) > sm57 > presonus firepod

bass: epiphone goth thunderbird > ampeg svx

vocals: sm7

it cranks up heavy in the end!

think lacuna coilish but. not as gay :rofl:

this song will be used in a movie called sams rain a indie flick w00t
man yeah i kinda agree about you. on that but that the type of feel they wanted, but yeah man that means alot comming from you man i fucking loveeee your tone and mixes :D!
Really nice job! The song and the mix is really good sounding. I'm not a really big fan of the dry drum sound, but that's just a personal taste thing. Aside from that, this is really fantastic sounding.
Oh my god, that cymbal in the intro sounds ridiculous - it's like a marching band crash :lol: IMO it's totally unnecessary, I'd suggest just totally ditching it, but I guess that's the band's perogative. Also, as mentioned, the tempo feels incredibly shaky on the piano, which is exacerbated when the vox come in (sounds like the piano player is drunk :D). The singer is good, but she sounds too much like Avril Lavigne :ill: Ooh, fucking mighty guitar tone, nice! Kick is too poofy/muddy IMO, could use some suction out of 200 range (and possibly more attack, but that might be alright with not as much mud). Great job though dude!
And that hi-hat/crash in the left channel counting the beat when things get heavy is too loud piercing, IMO (in fact, I think all the cymbals are too loud)
well like i said this song is for a movie so the timpiani and stuff is just added to for extra epic ness and i wanted to the keyboards to be really somber so thats why i didn't quantize it
to get it as like emotional as possible, thanks about the things with the drums, sadly this is the final, the deadline was yesterday hahaha
Big fan of the chick fronted rock bands! Her voice is decent. Just personal preferences from here:
Drums to me need to sound more epic more processed more huge, You do a good job of making her voice eerie in the beginning, but the pianos to me dont seem to have the same mood and seems out of place . The only reason I am saying anything critical because I would really like to hear this song on the radio/my cd player.
Did you run SM7 into a tube pre-amp or straight into firepod? Cos they sound so warm, I really like it.