My best mix yet, with a special guest!

The mix sound swell but the intro seems too long and keeps you waiting too much for the "metal" part that lasts too little. The piano doesn't fit the voice I think, it needs to sound more warm emotional (play with the intensity, not the tempo). The overlapping voices in the beginning caught my attencion... they sound more like a mistake than like an effect, maybe you should play with panning, reverse delay or something to make the incoming voice sound different. The cymbal intro doesn't seem to fit the song either, rather than that I would use some nice guitar controlled feeback with some cool delay effects. But I'm not a good in mixing after all XD

Dudes, this thread is a few weeks old and he said it was already done and submitted - just FYI ;)

As the thread resurrector, I just asked about mic pre-amps but the question left so behind:) May I ask the question again?
I thank you Marcus, the noble knight of great New York (read with the voice of Joe Lo Truglio, Kuzzik from the movie Role Models)