My best recording to date - Hardcore/Melodic


New Metal Member
Mar 6, 2011
Hey guys, I haven't been recording long but I've worked with this band for a while and I think this is the best overall mix I've got so far, let me know what you think -

Obviously a long way to go to compared to most of the stuff posted on this forum by our more experienced members, any feedback and critique would be appreciated!


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The vox sound pretty damn good. I feel like the snare transient is being compressed, so maybe use a clipper/transient designer and/or extend the comp attack.
I feel like the snare transient is being compressed, so maybe use a clipper/transient designer and/or extend the comp attack.

Thanks, I'll try to get it poking through the mix a bit more - maybe the vocals are masking it slightly by being too loud as well
sounds good. what did you use for snare and kick?

Thanks, the drums are all Slate. I combined a couple of snares and kicks, just played around until i found combinations that seemed to suit the song. Then just some EQ, bus compression, and limiting!
sounds cool, but i miss a bit of high end in the guitars... especially when the high overdub guitar comes in, it gets a bit muddy imho