my boa has nothing on this giant centipede

For some reason, I feel very uncomfortable with the idea of giant invertebrates eating mammals. It's like evolution in reverse and because I am more closely related to rats, seeing their mammalian genes eliminated from the collective pool of genetic diversity makes my selfish genes feel remorse and fury.
i've seen those. there's no way i could watch them again. i'd stomp those things so fucking hard. (then i'd feel guilty, but i wouldn't be able to help myself.)
dude, whoever put that mouse in there is fucked in the head! while it was kind of cool to actually see pirahna in action, what a cruel thing to do to the mouse.
on a side note, I had a pet white mouse when I was in middle school, I had it because when its mom got fed to the snake in my science teachers room, it bit a whole in the side of the snake instead, and then it had babies.
on a side note, I had a pet white mouse when I was in middle school, I had it because when its mom got fed to the snake in my science teachers room, it bit a whole in the side of the snake instead, and then it had babies.

you're not really supposed to feed snakes live rats/mice, because they can get hurt. usually it's not "eats a hole in his side" as much as "flailing claw takes out eye".
ben pointed out my flagrant misspelling on previous posting, I apologize, I didn't go to sleep last night.
Meh, if I tried to unhinge my jaw and swallow a bear whole, most people would agree that I deserve to be eliminated from the gene pool. However, let's assume I am like the mouse and I have been introduced unarmed into the snake's cage (in my case, the bear). If I,a human with no extraordinary physical characteristics, am backed into a corner by a bear and in the process of escaping or being eaten, manage to bite or pluck its eye out, then yes, I'd say that the bear is pretty shitty at being a bear.
I'm not so sure about the accuracy of the Alex. Have you ever tried to blind a bear while it's savaging you. Frankly, I think I might find it a bit difficult to think enough to go for the eyes. Particularly when their heads are fairly huge, and would most likely be moving around a lot. On the other hand I suppose is that one guy who killed a grizzly by punching it in the neck and stabbing it when it passed out. So human infliction of damage isn't completely out of the realm of possibility. I tend to agree with Nils on this though, if a predator is killed or very seriously injured in the obtaining of its prey (minus wolves or other pack animal versus large antlered type things) it kind of sucks at its job. If something is significantly smaller and weaker than you you ought to run that shit.
meh, it is its own fault that it was born without arms. Stupid lizard worm, damn you and your reverse evolution, grow some freaking libs.