My bro's chemotherapy takes a bad turn...


METAL... nuff said!
His white blood cell count is low. Very low. They almost refused to give him his last round of chemo yesterday morning. the doc forced them to start it, cuz he had already been delayed before starting round 2, and he didn't want round 4 to be delayed either.

To counter this problem, they're administering an additional drug this Saturday morning. It's a strong one - it will boost his bone marrow to help produce more blood and raise his immune system. However, this drug is $3000 per dose! Yeah, it's a long-lasting drug, but dayamn... they got raw gold in there or something? I know that one of the chemos he's taking has to be mixed an hour before being administered cuz it's a volatile and quickly degrading chemical reaction, but it ain't no three grand!!! Also, this new drug will make his bones ache.

Bones ache.

I've had my fair share of bad bruises and overexerted muscles and sore backs and sprained ankles.... but aching bones? From the inside? This has me scared now. We had band practice this past Saturday and Sunday (shows how he refuses to admit defeat!) and his fingers were a little sore afterwards. Felt good to see him jamming at full volume. But we didn't know that our lead guitarist's brother had come down with strep throat! He was lying on the couch downstairs with a wet rag on his forehead! Had we known this, we woulda turned around and ran like Moses' locusts were coming for us! We're all really worried and hoping he wasn't exposed to this strep throat for too long. If he gets that, it'll just kick his ass with all severity right now.

So we'll get this booster drug Saturday morning, and two more weeks of the Bliomicin, and then one week off to rest and recover. After that, we get a full-body CAT scan and weekly and monthly checkups and monitoring.

And ain't it funny..... the Discovery Channel had a special on Lance Armstrong last night. I didn't realise that he actually had open brain surgery to get the tumors removed as well as all the chemo he underwent! Just unbelievable.
Wow. That sucks. Sounds like your brother is a fighter. I had a female friend recently go through this. She also had a point where they considered stopping chemo because of blood count. She's done with here chemo and all looks good. I've got my fingers crossed for your bro.

hang in there bryan. you and your family are really tough fighters and you gotta keep up the positive attitude and support. we're here for ya, and personally i think it's gonna be OK bro.

best wishes.

Okay... get THIS shit....

We are now going to argue with the doc to convince him to do a COMPLETE cat scan after the treatment, not just a torso cat scan. The doc said that if Roger doesn't have symptoms, there's no need to check his head.



So we'll go bust his chops some. And I WILL bust him in the chops. I just watched the Lance Armstrong thing last night and my brother will NOT undergo full blown brain surgery just cuz some fuckin quack refused a full-body scan. I'll go to jail before that shit happens.
Follow your gut instinct!

Last winter (Feb) my mother's general practitioner had her convinced to stop treatment and go into hospice. I just couldn't handle the thought of that. I took her home, made her eat (she's was literally picking at food in the hospital and wasting away and nobody seemed to care) and we continued her needed transfusions.

I told her last weekend as we were sitting out on her patio talking about how beautiful the summer has been, "See aren't you glad you didn't listen to the GP? You would have missed all of this..." Granted, her life is less than perfect and limited in many ways, but she's still here and has her wits about her and still can give me great political arguments!

You could just choke the crap out of some of these doctors that seem so uninterested in things and they act like they live in fear of the HMOs.
Lost my Mom and my Grandmother(Mom"s Mom) to the BIG C.

It is is tough.....

I am glad to see you fightin for your Bro.....he sounds like a fighter, too...definitely NOT a quit-er.

Good luck

In our prayers...

80's Al and family.... :wave:
Your brother sounds like he's strong and will pull through it. Make sure that you get routinely checked up as well.

My Mother in law just kicked finished up the last of her chemo, the Docs said that everything looks great.
I agree with the sentiments here. Follow your insticts. There's an old joke;

Q: What do you call the person who graduated last in their class at medical school?

A: Doctor.

Doctor is like any other job; most are average, some suck and some are great. Don't allow an average or shitty doctor to fuck with your brother's health.
