My brother has cancer.

My thoughts and prayers are with your brother, Bryan. Just so you know, there is a great elevated spot off to the stage right side of the hall where you can fit a wheelchair or two. The view is pretty nice from there.

Stay metal. Never rust.
Best of luck to you and your bro and family in your coming battle! Seems like the will to survive really makes a difference in fighting cancer off, so I'm thinking of Triumph's Never Surrender right now, as well as the NP below.
Hello Bryan ,
My thoughts and prayers go out to you guys , I dont know you or your Bro , but I gotta say ,we are all united in such great music so when someone of the metal family is down or ill , we help out ,even from the other side of the world warm words and thoughts help, I was touched by your post on the forum .
Please like everyone else here pass on my sincerest good wishes to your Bro :)
Warmest regards from Melbourne , Australia to you , your Bro and to your family
Cheers...........Chris ( Vanishing Point )
Allright. Update:

We're dealing with Stage III cancer. Three small tumors in one lung, four in the other, and lymph nodes in the back of his abdomenal wall. The lung tumors are only from 2mm to 10mm in size. Very small. Very treatable. We're getting ready to start chemotherapy. 9 weeks worth of intravenous chemicals. The doc said he's got a great outlook. 80-90% chance of a complete and full life after all this is through. He also likes that he's not a smoker, doesn't drink heavy, doesn't do drugs, skinny, strong, young, and has a positive outlook about it all. We're ready to fight this.

We can probably start chemo as early as next Monday, but we're waiting until April 12th, when he'll be eligible for 12 full weeks of medical leave-of-absense from his job. Cuz at this point of the game, we don't need his company fucking with us and yanking his insurance for any reasons. And guarantee, they pull that stunt on him, I'll be missing ProgPower cuz I'm in jail for administering some vigilante justice on his boss' head.

So he's gonna get to finally see his band, Manticora, on American soil. Got my credit card all set for Friday morning.

As Gus G. would say...


I just wanted to tell you that if you need any kind of help or support from me, PLEASE do not hesitate in contacting me...

Just to let you know, you, your brother and family are on my thoughts... Here goes as loud as fuck, this is for him... His band... MANTICORA!
So get this.

He's decided he needs something to take his attention, and get him back to playing guitar. (For a while now, he couldn't even get down the stairs to get to his gear.) So this weekend, we're hitting Guitar Center, and he's gonna buy the Epiphone model of Zakk Wylde's Bullzeye, the ZW Overdrive, and the new ZW Wah pedal. He may need to put the wah on order, cuz it's not quite out yet.

And get this.... he's gonna use all this on a red-vinyled Marshall Mini-Stack. All this wicked stuff, cranked into a little-bitty teensy-weensy mini stack. I think he should use this for an actual gig some time. Just for the funny factor. Hey. Anything to get over this depression and downtime, I say!