My constant reamping journey

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Still in my off time from work trying to hammer out new tones. I hate not having as much time to dedicate to this as I used to.

Heres a clip I reamped. I feel like the tone is a little overly bright, but maybe I am just over thinking it. I know the mix is a bit bottom heavy also, but I am gonna try and sort those things out when I can get back to this soon.

Signal chain was Charvel Socal->maxon od-9->5150 III. Mic position on this one was a little more direct on, maybe just a bit off-axis, but not by a lot. My hands seem to cause my tones to be a bit darker than normal so I have to run my tones brighter.

Original: test 2.mp3

Updated: History Of Saints.mp3

Kyle I'm loving the harmonic complexity of this, and the great midrange, but you do need more cut in the top end. I'd bump the top end and presence up a bit, and maybe lower the gain a touch to compensate if it gets buzzy?

But srsly this kicks ass and I love you in standard tuning!
Kyle I'm loving the harmonic complexity of this, and the great midrange, but you do need more cut in the top end. I'd bump the top end and presence up a bit, and maybe lower the gain a touch to compensate if it gets buzzy?

But srsly this kicks ass and I love you in standard tuning!
+1.... cool song too!
Nice playing man and nice track. I would like to hear a little bit more presence/treble but other than that, great job.
Thanks guys. I am gonna try and redo this tomorrow and get some more presence going and lowering the gain bc I feel the gain is making it somewhat buzzy.
Ok guys I did some re-reamping haha of the clips today. Added in some more presence while cutting down on the gain. Honestly I am not real big on how these reamps sound bc one of the channels on my head is being finnicky therefore I am having to use the one that I dislike a good bit, but whatever gets the job done.

Anyways here goes: test 3.mp3
Maybe a tiny bit bass heavy? Not sure if it's the guitars or the bass though. Kick drum seems to get a little buried. Sounds really good though, and of course that's mostly because of your playing.