New mix/same old song/real amps

K Odell

Jan 23, 2006
Greensboro, NC
Trying to get this music mix close to done before we add vocals. Its probably a bit bass heavy as I haven't had a chance to check it in the car.

Guitars are 5150 III and Dual Rec. Tracked with my Charvel with a Dimarzio Tonezone. The 5150 III was mic'd with an sm58 a bit off axis, but not by much and the Dual Rec was tracked with a 57 with the same mic placement.

Bass was Ampeg SVX and Logic's stock bass amp. Tracked with a Jackson Chris Beattie signature bass with EMGs.

Drums are S2.0 with a Slate snare blended in and the kick is a special kick sample I got from a friend of mine which slays. 2.mp3

Guitars are a smidgen too dark, but absolutely nothing that can't be solved with a few tiny boosts in the upper mids. Mix sounds great otherwise
I can't really comment anything that hasn't been commented before.

I really dig the djent character on this one, personally.