My cover of "In Memories Past"..

I'd add +2 db to guitars, bass and equalize the latter so it can live with the kickdrum more, take the vocals a bit panned to either side, and 2-3 db less. You're suffering from dry signal on the percussion, it's the curse of sampled drums. Familiar with NS_kit? I suggest it for metal. Good layer depth and everything bleeds to everything, which is exactly what you need for metal, not dry one-hit samples. Just make sure to punch up the kickdrum and snare in the eq if you use NS kit.

Are you happy with the lead guitar tone? Sounds a bit dry too, for my tastes. Might want to treble boost it and reverb it more. But that may just be me.

I haven't heard the original, so I don't know how faithful this is or how much you want it to be but I like it as a song. Sorry if I focus on home-production more than I should, but that area excites me more than Novembers Doom do.
Actually, the main reasion for doing this was cuz I just got a new mic and compressor. Everything was done using settings I was screwing around with at the time so I couldn't even tell you what is what. I do know that I mixed it on my BR-8 which has very limited eq capabilities (as well as reverb and delay). I've started doing my mixes on computer now (n-tracks for the time being) and I have a lot more reverb, eq and delay options.

As for drums, I don't know what I'm going to do about that for my stuff. The stuff I'm working on right now mostly likely will not have them, and if it does they will be different samples and extremely wet. But in the future I really just want to find a drummer to lay down some real drums. Which would cost me a pretty penny to set up to do (I plan to record those myself too), but I think that's the plan.
I don't think you should waste time with n-track stuff. I suggest Cubase or Sonar. Good luck with getting a drum kit together, and then properly mic-ing it.
I plan to eventually get something else, but I'm not sure what I want to do yet. Right now I record thru my BR-8 and dump it into my computer and just mix on n-tracks. I'm not sure if I want to actually do the recording on the computer or not. I kind of like the desktop machines for recording. I'll look into that next year sometime most likely.

And the drum micing is a year or two away yet. I think I might be buying a house sometime in between so I'll see what I can affoard after that. If I can't affoard the proper mics, I aint doing it.
ProTools Free here- but i think my windows 98 computer has blown up 5 times in the last month. it's decent enough for smalltime pieces, just acoustic/vox/couple extras.

btw, it's weird to see someone cover this. i want to hear it, so will try and d/l tonight.
Yeah, I can't use protools free since I run xp. I did only pay like $35 for ntracks. I actually got to simply clean up some of my songs I did for my last cd. Cut the begining and end and play with volume and stuff. It did a good job for that. I'll do a couple of complete mixes with it though before I decide to drop cash on something else. If it does the job I'd rather stick my money into more front end stuff.