My Crazy Dog

:lol: Yeh the father was purebred JRT that was like badassly trained. It did a shitload of cool tricks (like the dog would stand on two legs and the guy would go "BAM" and point "gun-fingers" at the dog and it would lay down and pretend to be dead), the guy was good. And the mother was Chihuahua, did cool tricks too but the father did more. They were both pure white and made a good match, she was the only colored pup of the batch but we never taught her any tricks, except how to go pyscho if you try to take a bone from here, I'll film that ometime too it's funny :lol:
:lol:Actually it was a rather large chihuahua, bigger than the male actually, so don't worry :p and that's cool I ust googled the breedand yeh they do look a lot like JRTs.... and a bit of dobermen/daschund??


Nice dog :D *is an animal lover*
No, she protects me from anyone :D and if you look closely, around 1:30 into the video, the dog turns it's head to a noise.... that's because I farted :lol:

LOL! i just watched the video to ssee. its so hilarious when dogs like...look at you weird when you fart and they tilt they're heads. i think its the funniest thing.
i was talking about the dog getting fucked by heartless. and im sure the male dog doesent want a small human penis shoved in their asshole. unless the dog fucks him. that would be even more shamefull. for him and the dog..