My current situation


New Metal Member
Nov 17, 2010
Hey guys. as you've seen I've been extremely inactive on the forum recently. This is because of the current boarding school that I'm at(well, it's not exactly a school right now as I'm not studying or anything at the moment), and I can only return home on weekends, and when I return home on these weekends I want to kind of have fun and not waste time on posting on forums, no offense.

I really, really, really, really want to leave that place, but unfortunately I must remain there due to that thing called decree(I believe). I'll hopefully be returning on the forum in approximately 3 months or so. Nothing's certain right now, but it's likely that in 3 months I'll already get rid of that place and return home.

The thing behind all this is that it was ME that wanted to be in that place back when I was required to return to some sort of school, as I had to return to one anyway, but instead of just saying that I want to return to a regular school(where you return home daily), I said that I want to be in this boarding school thing. And now I'm just mad at myself. I curse the moment I asked to be in that place. I hate myself.

Anyway, If you guys are curious about what exactly is my situation right now and if you want more details, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to go on the forum and respond to your questions.

And finally, good luck to Power Quest with their tour with Symphony X. The quest must go on......FOREVER!


Noam Etedgy
Sorry to hear what's going on, Indestructible. Don't be mad at yourself, people make decisions and soon regret it afterwards. Like myself, I decided to get a job in Retail now I wish I never did. It has ruined my life, sounds over-dramatic I know! But I do not feel safe where I work, so I'm hoping to get out of there soon.

Power Quest have already done their tour with Symphony X though, I'm afraid. But they are touring May and June. We all wish them the best of luck with that, their so excited to get out there :)

Look after yourself, mate!
Keep your chin up, Noam. It'll get better - three months seems like a long time, but as long as you try to find some good amongst all the bad, it'll go by faster than you think. Sorry to hear about the situation, I certainly know the feeling of regretting your own choices sometimes!

Just look on the bright side of things and it'll all get better. Make the most out of what you have, you don't want to spend life wallowing in despair! If I've learned anything from a special someone I know... it doesn't do much good to dwell on the bad things - no good comes of it! ;)

Take care, and don't be so hard on yourself! Everything will get better with time.
As everyone said, it will get better. But think positive! after those three months you will feel so damn proud and be glad that you managed to get through it.

I can only say carry on and hope you will feel better soon!

It'll all work out in the end Noam. Stick the course and it'll be over before you know it. Persevere, or send in the Strike Force!
Carry on, my song's forever. Carry on, when I am gone!
Carry on my wayward son, there'll be peace when you are done!
Carry on, carry on, the chanting has begun, a hymn of fame and glory forever!
Carry on, it's time to forget the remains from the past, to carry on!

Hey guys, thanks a lot for all of your beautiful and inspiring comments. Be sure I keep in mind all of the advices you gave me.

Currently I'm at home and I get to return home every Friday morning. I really hate that place and I'm doing my best to try and leave without having to deal with the police or something like that. Because I'm in that place under a decree, if I leave without any sort of permission the boarding school is then eligible to alert the police and I would probably be taken back there by's not something that I want to happen that's for sure

Anyway my lawyer have sent a request to the judge to cancel or remove the decree, and if that decree gets canceled or removed I can freely return home without any worries.....that's what I really want.

Anyway I hope that things will get better soon. I'll let you guys know next week once I return home again. If you have any further advices for me(such as what to do in the situation I'm at right now) feel free to post it. If you are also curious about anything feel free to ask whatever you'd like and I'll answer next week once I'm home again

Take care guys,

If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you there? The site makes it sound like people only go there if they've had some type of traumatic incident or mental illness.
Keep your head up man! You can make it through! *insert some inspirational power metal lyrics here* I'm pretty sure all of the PQ fans are behind you man, we all take care of each other in desperate times if I remember right!
If you don't mind me asking, why exactly are you there? The site makes it sound like people only go there if they've had some type of traumatic incident or mental illness.
I'm there because I was supposed to go to some sort of school or other place and I was offered 3 places and I just picked that one out of the 3. I've done a big mistake by agreeing to be in that place when I was offered to, I could ask to be in a regular school as well.

The place is intended for children that either have emotional/mental difficulties or something like that or have been abused or raped or that their parents simply can't take care of them, but none of this is the reason of why I'm there.

currently I'm a little sick and I'm probably not returning there soon so I'm still at home now.
Keep your head up man! You can make it through! *insert some inspirational power metal lyrics here* I'm pretty sure all of the PQ fans are behind you man, we all take care of each other in desperate times if I remember right!
thanks a lot dude, really appreciate this.