My daughter Lillian Marie

Snowy Owl

OSA Co-founder
Sep 12, 2005
A tree in Middletown, PA
Yes, I promised pictures 1,000 times over. It took me awhile but now I have some up! This is my 13 month old pride and joy, my daughter Lillian Marie, or Lily for short.



Good to hear from you Matt. Thanks for the pics, Lily looks really happy as does the whole family.
I think that the image of her riding the pink unicorn is priceless, what a heartmelting smile, awww...
Thanks guys, it's nice to be here again. It's nice to see you all too! Glad you like the pictures. Engima, we get complements on her smiles all the time, so thank you!

However, ever since November, Lily has been having problems. She has been sick on and on all the time (including pneumonia) and is currently having skin problems and an ear infection. I'm frustrated as a parent right now as I want my little girl to feel better, however her sunny attitude never changes, which I find amazing.
Little kids know not of good hygene or washing hands or those other things we grownups do to prevent the spread of germs. Now, before I break into a commercial for Lysol...

Some say Lily looks more like me, others say more like her mom. I personally say that she looks more like her mom. But, it doesn't matter who she looks like because we love her all the same.
A couple pics of Lily from last summer posing with my Rockband guitar. I must say I am happy Andrea and I's little girl loves the rock and roll! Yes, she does like Nightwish. She tries to sing along to Imaginarium!


More photos! I figured y'all would like to see how Lily has grown and some of the adventures she has had. She's my little OceanSoul!

Us at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware


Andrea, Lily, myself and Susquehavoc bassist (and my best friend other than Andrea) Keith at Wildwood, NJ last year.


Andrea, Lily and I on New Years' Eve 2011-12


See the little girl dancing in front of the stage at my band Susquehavoc's performance at the Harrisburg music festival on July 4th weekend? That's Lily! She loves the rock and roll! :rock:

Ohhh she is adorable and getting so big! Ahhh I want to make cute metal babies, but I promise we are waiting 3 to 4 years. I love the picture of her dancing and she has a smile that lights up the room. I love your family so much!
Apologies for posting more pics, but I'm a daddy who loves his little girl. Plus, I think you awesome friends at the OSA deserve to see pics of arguably OSA's youngest member...forgive me for being so proud of Lily!

The first pic of Lily, taken when she was just 10 minutes old on February 18th, 2008.


Lily with her mom and grandmother at Lily's baptism at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church in Hershey, PA


Lily takes time to stop and smell the flowers!


Lily in her witch costume last Halloween!
