My day at jury duty


Aug 31, 2003
Well I arrived at the Leavenworth County Justice Center at around 7:45 am. Not to forget Leavenworth holds THE BIGGEST maximum security prison in the united states. This is a law town, bitch!

I wore casual but nice clothes to this. I wore a black shirt, khakis, and a yellow overshirt. I wish I could of worn the yellow overshirt with a light blue undershirt and sunglasses. So that way I could look Don Johnson. Miami Vice

So I get in the building, past the metal detector (which found out for me that I have an unknown key in my wallet) and up to the third floor. The elavator was filled with preps and lawyers. Yeah, my face was like that too

I get to the 3rd floor and the bailiff is already giving a speech to the other jurors...

.. I'm 45 minutes early...

Alrighty. So we form an orderly line and and give our information to the bailiff for jury checkin. Then we head to the courtroom to read a pamplet they gave us explaining everything you can think of about a jury.

Things I noticed in the courtroom after jury checkin

- Reading is boring if you don't want to read.
- The judge's assistant is hot. I'd make her serve hard time. :dopey:
- Seriously, I'd bang the hell out of the judge's assistant. :dopey:
- She's latina :dopey:
- She's hot :dopey:
- Jury duty is boring. :erk:

Once all the reading was done the bailiff gave another speech. Nice guy, not like you see in the movies. They really appreciate that you showed up for some reason.

On a related note, they told us in a nice way to forget all crap we may have seen on CSI. Because forensic evidence and DNA have no place in a domestic abuse trial.

After the baliffs second speech, the prosecutor and defense attorney interviewed all the jurors in groups of twelve. They asked us what we did for a living, if we enjoyed puzzles and games, and if we know anyone in the court or the defendant. The defendant by the way, was being charged with aggravated battery on august 12th. The dude had guilty written all over him. Sorry, but he did. That and he didn't look like he cared either.

Well, this should have a big ending but it doesn't. Because I wasn't picked. I made it down to the final 24 though which is something to be proud of. :rock:
No joke. They were nice as hell to us and kept thanking us for our time.

The Bailiff was a kick ass guy.
the phoenix experience is usually a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng day. you show up in a main room, check in, and then through out the day, they yell out some names, those people leave to possibly be involved in a jury for a case, the rest just stay in that room. If you never get selected to even be considered, you remain in that room till 5pm minus time for lunch.
I have a feeling I know why the bailiff was so grateful for you guys to show up. My relatives who live out in suburbia just throw their jury duty letters away without a second thought. I don't know where Leavenworth is but this might be why he was so thankful and hospitable. BTW it sounds like that town is worth leavin'.........sorry that was lame :erk:
The bailiff was thankful because most people would rather be hitting themselves in the face with a hammer than show up for jury duty.
unknown said:
The bailiff was thankful because most people would rather be hitting themselves in the face with a hammer than show up for jury duty.
Exactly. :lol: